D/s break ups

NaBloWriMo[SubmissiveGuyComics is also doing a post for our NaBloWriMo project, though he’s hiding some of them on Twitter so if you aren’t following him, you should… ]


“How should Masters/Dominants try and help their submissive/slave move forward? What, according to the Dominant are they owed? What do THEY owe their submissive’s in turn? What kind of post-relationship aftercare is provided due to the intensity of D/s relationships in comparison to vanilla ones?”

My D/s relationships are monogamous, romantic, love-based partnerships. When they end, we are both a mess, and at its best, we both try and be … Continue Reading

Loves: 6
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Reader Q&A: Testicles, dicks, Harold, & navigating relationships

NaBloWriMo[I’m off-topic today, but SubmissiveGuyComics has done a ‘vote‘ post for our NaBloWriMo project]


I’m going to my trusty stash of ‘Asks’ from readers (thank you for them!) for today’s post.

thanks for the book of the Hardy Haberman, in my scale, the testicles are 2/10 :)

*laugh* My first reaction to this was “I DON’T KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS!”

Then I realised that someone in a previous Q&A asked about how resistant the testicles are and I referred them to Hardy Haberman’s book ‘Family Jewels’.

2/10? I hope you didn’t hurt yourself too badly :P.… Continue Reading

Loves: 4
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Reader Q&A: Books, punishment, & humiliation

Some of these have questions been languishing in my inbox for a while (sorry about that, lovely question-askers). I keep saying that I love getting ‘asks’ (I do!), but then I hoard them like a little treasure trove in my inbox. I have that dilemma of deciding when the ‘asks’ become weighty enough for a blog post, and then I forget to keep track of how many there are.

I should just stop thinking that I can respond in a timely manner!

Regardless of timeliness (or not!), here we go…


Dear Ferns,

Can one ever have to many books? … Continue Reading

Loves: 3
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How to kiss

This is going to sound kind of stupid, but do you have any kissing tips? I feel like I don’t know how to kiss properly lol

Aw bless you anon: It’s not stupid and it’s really difficult to answer.

Not least because kissing is all about compatibility: someone who is a great kisser for one person might be a terrible match for another person. Not everyone likes the same kind of kissing.

Don’t be afraid to tell your partner that you are shy, nervous, not experienced, invite them to guide you to kiss them how they like to be kissed.… Continue Reading

Loves: 9
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Thoughts on obedience

Content brought over from a discussion on Fetlife (login required).

Is it possible/likely that a sub becomes more obedient to his domme over time?

My experience is ‘yes’. And for me it’s a function of a deepening relationship.

What I mean by that is that as my submissive gets to know me, if everything is working well, his desire to submit gets stronger and so the D/s becomes ‘more’ (more meaningful, more heartfelt, more serious… more).

So while I can see obedience being binary (he either did it or didn’t do it), in the beginning, it might be a bit … Continue Reading

Loves: 8
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Reader QnA: How do I start? Advice for a new dominant

Do you have any advice or a sort of primer for girls who want to experiment with being a domme? Like how to find partners, how to open that dialogue, what kind of ‘moves’ to try, what equipment is needed, how to explore the realm of activity… it really appeals to me, but I don’t know where to start.

Hello there anonymous asker,

These are great and huge questions.

My first piece of advice is to clarify in your own mind what ‘being a domme’ means to you. There’s no ‘one true way’ to be a dominant. D/s relationships run … Continue Reading

Loves: 7
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Reader Q&A: New Domme wonders: Experienced sub or no?

This was such a great question it gets its very own post (also I rambled on way too long…).

Dear Ferns,

Your kinda like my idol (:
Im a beginner and I was thinking about when I am ready to pursue a relationship with a submissive should I choose someone who is new too? I feel like my potential partner should be able to grow with me.

*smile* That’s such a lovely compliment, thank you! I will have to do my best to live up to idol-worthiness!

I do understand why you ask that question. I think there are … Continue Reading

Loves: 24
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