Reader Q&A: Femdom podcast #91 – Anal sex, shyness, pain sluts… [Audio]

Subscribe to my femdom podcast: iTunes

This is an experiment in podcasting, welcome to it *smile*.

The Domme Chronicles podcast is available on iTunes and while some of my old audio clips have made it into the podcast, this is the first brand new one. There will be at least one more and then I will see how I feel about it.

The questions I answered include:

  • How can I make receiving anal sex more domly?
  • Have you ever fed a man with your feet?

I laughed a lot in here: you’ll have to listen to see why…Continue Reading

Loves: 10
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Is it play acting?

“…is there some “playacting” there with the de riguer props (whips and crops, bindings and gags, collar and leash) and the formalized play of rituals; the sub speaking only when spoken to or given permission, lowering of his eyes and made to kneel, bowing down…?”

I think I understand what you are getting at, but ‘play acting’ rubs me up the wrong way. Are vanilla people ‘play acting’ when they dress up in sexy lingerie or when they talk dirty or rub up all over their partner? Or are they just expressing aspects of their sexuality?

It’s not really an … Continue Reading

Loves: 21
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Reader Q&A: How to reject someone

So I just had a scene with a perfectly nice sub boy, after which he left all smiles and eager to do it again, and I felt … kind of awful and have no interest in seeing him again. I don’t know why, nothing went wrong, and it’s never been an issue with previous people, so that’s upsetting in itself, but now I’m feeling weird and awkward about how to tell him there will be no more, especially when he had such a great time and I don’t think was at all aware that I was having a ‘nice but Continue Reading

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Reader Q&A: Fetishes, disappearances, & affection

Yay, Q&A!


At what age did you figure out you were a domme?

I found out there was such a thing as BDSM when I was about 30.

Before that, I did the work to figure out how to work with power in my relationships, but I had no context within which to put a label on it.


Hi! I love how dominant girl you are. Yes, I am a fuckable guy! My email is [redacted].



Dear Ferns,

I would first like to say thank you for your blog. i have been reading it for some … Continue Reading

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Reader Q&A: Genderfluidity, LDR to live-in & attraction

Q&A time!

These questions came in from some lovely readers via my Ask Me page. I do love that you ask me things, thank you for them!

In case you sent one in and don’t see it here, no this is NOT all of them… the post got really long, so I saved some for later.

So let’s goooo…


Dear Ferns,

I recently came across your first book while researching for a speech I’m giving on BDSM; though it ended up being a bit too *ahem* in-depth for the speech, on note, I thoroughly enjoyed it! (Enough that I’m … Continue Reading

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Calling him ‘boy’

I got this question in my Asks and it was a really good one, so I wanted to devote a post to it.

Read your most recent post on the Texan. May I ask why you refer to him or other men like him as “boy”? Perhaps it is a reflection of my age, but no adult male I knew would hear this word in any other way than an insult. Is this something the two of you discussed before hand? Is it not hard to relate to him as an adult when your name for him is “boy”? Thank Continue Reading

Loves: 12
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Reader Q&A: Vanilla, young lovelies, cookies

These questions landed in my inbox via my ‘Ask me’ page… Thank you for them!

Dear Ferns,

This is a bit difficult to word so bare with me please (:

I have denied my Top side for a very long time.

When I was single I could be quite aggressive sexually and then I met my husband. He opened up a softer side of me and I have become very comfortable letting him lead. Now I find myself thinking about “activities” that I would love to do but my husband is both extremely hetero and kind of a … Continue Reading

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