Sunday curiosity #3

Sunday again… hello!  I hope you all had a good week.

Before the Q&A, I thought I would entertain you with a short email exchange that goes a way to explaining why dominant women might get kind of fed up with some of the contacts they get on CollarMe or Fetlife or similar sites.  I very rarely get explicitly rude emails (saved from the cock shots by having a practically empty profile and no photos), but I do sometimes get emails from boys who seem to have lost all of their brain cells in what I can only imagine was … Continue Reading

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Sunday curiosity #2

I was happy to get some new questions in my last Sunday Curiosity… two is the minimum for a post, that’s what I figured using very scientific and risky mathematical equations and complex algorithms, besides which, it’s my blog, my rules etc.

So here goes with some cute Q&A…

Anonymous said…

What does your “snowflake” category mean? Some of the posts evoke memories of my ex for me, someone I still feel deeply connected to even though he’s hundreds of miles away, so I’m very curious.

Snowflake was the nickname I gave to my last submissive (unique, like a … Continue Reading

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Sunday curiosity

Thank you so much to everyone who responded to my Curiosity post. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your lovely comments and questions. Fun!

I have to say, just quietly, just between you and me, you folks are impressive… truly! I am not saying that as empty flattery, I mean, I am really flattering myself for attracting such smart, articulate and interesting readers (yay me!)… I toddled off to the blogs that some of you write (some of which are on my regular reading list already, I must say) and found really interesting writing out there – thank … Continue Reading

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I wonder sometimes, when I am wanting to write, but just can’t get my head quite right, when I am somewhat uninspired to speak of beauty and passion, when I am nevertheless looking at the page and picking through what is going on with me for snippets worth telling, I wonder if you, dear readers, peer at me here and wonder who I am.

I wonder about you, I do…

I know you are there, I see stats, numbers slipping by, many many thousands of views, I know there are regulars (hello there, and thank you!), and some who … Continue Reading

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