Firstly let me say that Bambi is fucking lovely. Seriously. He’s adorable and smart and sweet and willing and funny and sexy and passionate and quirky and pretty and and… *shrug*… all sorts of good things.
We just… didn’t work together.
Intellectually and emotionally, we got nothin’. We talked about it, were both frustrated by it, mused about ways to fix it, but we just didn’t fit together.
Intellectually, we didn’t fire each other up. One of the things I want in a partner is someone who I find endlessly fascinating, and … Continue Reading
I specify in my (three sentence) profile that I do not accept chat invites. I have never heard from this person before.
22M, no location listed: But you accept skype video chat?
Me: No, not interested. – Ferns
Him: Ok can we chat on IM?
Me: If it has the word ‘chat’ in it: No.
For all I know you are boring as fuck (goodness knows your approach is indeed as boring as fuck) and I have better things to do than spend time in some chat window with some stranger to find out if that’s true.
A body project check-in… As a spoiler, I have not been doing so great in the last couple of months since I last updated on March 18. Note the consolation beach photo instead of a bicep photo (which I haven’t had the desire to take in case it’s demotivating!).
Read on to find out what’s been going on…
I am in a privileged position with my body project because I have the freedom and time to do what I want when I want, so building a routine and habits that support what I want to achieve is not that hard. … Continue Reading
I’m delighted to be one of this month’s ‘Featured Posts’, chosen by e[lust]’s fabulous editor, Molly. Thank you!
Welcome to e[lust]– The only place where the smartest and hottest sex bloggers are featured under one roof every month. Whether you’re looking for sex journalism, erotic writing, relationship advice or kinky discussions it’ll be here at e[lust]. Want to be included in e[lust] #47? Start with the newly updated rules, come back June 1st to submit something and subscribe to the RSS feed for updates!
The lovely AudioDiva was kind enough to share the story of meeting her boy, and how their relationship developed. She sweetly added that ‘life is pretty fantastic’, and their story bears that out. It’s just lovely *happy sigh*.
I met My boy last year while I was in the middle of a bad break up from my vanilla husband. My ex & I were in the BDSM scene when we met 10yrs before, but our relationship had always been vanilla & there came a time when our differences made it impossible to continue. I felt very broken, … Continue Reading