Vanilla Date #3, second date!

This femdom went on another vanilla date… *gasp*.

Let me catch you up here first…

I texted the Hot Older Man and told him I wasn’t in the right headspace for dating. After our date, I’d said be happy to meet up again when I got back from my break away, but it wasn’t feeling right. I was peopled out from peopling and was working way too hard to mentally build up interest that wasn’t really there. He replied politely, wished me well. Mature men are wonderful.

Soon after that, I went onto the vanilla dating site to … Continue Reading

Loves: 28
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Aaannndd I’m back…

My new baby, so shiny!

Did you miss me?


I’ve been without my beloved George, or any computer, for just shy of a month, and it has been Very Difficult.

I wasn’t doing anything too much different without George except I wasn’t:

  • writing
  • journalling
  • blogging or responding to comments on my blog
  • chatting with friends
  • googling anything unless I HAD to, no, really for real
  • reading blogs
  • logging my workouts / diet
  • emailing with friends
  • moderating on Fetlife unless it was super simple like
  • adding to my reading / gaming / movies lists
  • doing life and book admin stuff
  • keeping
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Loves: 15
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Happenings: George & not-dating

I’m back from my overseas trip, hello all :). Ooh look, obligatory holiday snap.

My beloved laptop, George, gave his life in my service, suddenly having a heart attack while we were away. I took him to the PC hospital yesterday, and it seems there was no hope for him. So I am George-less at the moment :(. His hard disk was not damaged, plus I have backups, so I’m happy about that.

As a result, though, I’m resentfully tapping this out on my phone (I hate typing on my phone so much!).

I’m writing just a brief update, until … Continue Reading

Loves: 24
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Vanilla date #2: Hot Older Man

The Hot Older Man is some ten years older than me, I initiated contact with him because I liked his active photos and big wide happy smile. We had a very high match percentage which tends to mean our values align. Among other things, he’s a high level martial artist, an instructor, so very lean and fit.

I’m not sure what to say about the date.

He’s not as attractive in person as his photos showed: He looks older, more tired, smaller. He had 6’1 on his profile, and he probably is, but he’s so lean that he seems delicate, … Continue Reading

Loves: 16
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Vanilla date #1: Incompatible-Awesome

Sooo… 4.5 hour date with Incompatible-Awesome.

We met at a cafe for brunch, I was not expecting much out of it: I liked what I had seen of him online and over text, but when I say ‘incompatible’, I’m not kidding. Pretty much everything he mentioned that he enjoyed on his dating profile was a thing I wasn’t interested in. But despite that, our values matched well, and his profile was smart and funny and excellent.

This meeting grew out of my effusive and complimentary email to him (I had expected he would say ‘thank you’ and that would … Continue Reading

Loves: 20
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Online dating & ‘when to meet’

Bonnie made this comment on my last post where I said that meeting someone from online quickly is not a thing I normally do.

“I’m always curious about why people would rather incessantly text than meet. You’ve talked a lot about your energy for socializing and I understand that as a reason. I want to meet as soon as possible bc if there is no spark, I don’t want to waste my 2-3 good lines that come to me every month or so on someone who won’t last past the first date!”

This is absolutely fair (especially about the ‘2-3 … Continue Reading

Loves: 13
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One week, two dates

The not-dates

The vanilla dude I asked out last year and who I nudged recently was also overseas, said he’d be in touch when he got himself organised (whatever that means).

The hot older man said he would respond ‘on Tuesday’ when he’s back from an overseas trip. I thought he meant the upcoming Tuesday, but either he meant THIS Tuesday (tomorrow) or he’s drifted off.

I didn’t reply to the last from the chisel-jawed climber. It was boring and felt like work.

(having written the above I’m now wondering if ‘I’m overseas’ is the new ‘no thanks’. Discuss.)Continue Reading

Loves: 14
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