I am definitely 100%…

… wearing these shoes* over Christmas.

They don’t go with anything I own, they are hopelessly impractical, completely over-the-top for casual get-togethers, and I don’t care one bit.

I’m feeling stressed (already) with all the relentless peopling that is coming my way, bearing down like a freight train. Not just ‘peopling’, but ‘peopling while being endlessly cheerful’, which is the worst kind.

Wearing these will make me feel 85.6% more cheerful. Because MATHS.

*For the record, I intend to wear both of them, not just one…… Continue Reading

Loves: 18
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Birthday nude: Strap-on

“This toy makes me want to fuck”.

It does.

Kneel here. Get it wet.

Let’s get started.

My traditional birthday nude is neither traditional nor nude. I’m okay with it.

Wish me a happy birthday, click ‘like’ so I know you’ve strap-onned (is SO a word, and no I don’t mean ‘strapped-on’) with me. Oh, and send me presents.… Continue Reading

Loves: 155
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Me and lingerie

I own two beautiful steel boned corsets, a couple of black lacy bras and some lace panties that I’ve had forever.

And that’s it for beautiful lingerie-type things.

I used to love lingerie way back when, but at some point I lost interest. Not because I don’t think it’s pretty and sexy, but because somehow it just became… impractical and too expensive and hard to justify.

Which it is, really.

But still, it sounds (even to me) like a terrible shame.

Most beautiful lingerie is expensive and impossible under the type of clothes I typically wear. My strappy summer Continue Reading

Loves: 14
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Body project update

I haven’t written about my body project for ages. The main reason is that I’ve been pretty much in maintenance mode forever.

I’ve been gymming and Pilatesing (is SO a word!) 5 times a week, not phoning it in, but also not challenging myself.

And while I’d love to pretend maintenance mode keeps me in peak shape, it doesn’t of course.

So I’m a bit softer, a bit weaker, a bit jigglier than I was.

I’ve just come back from about 8 weeks off. I was overseas for three of them, and then I had a back injury that scared … Continue Reading

Loves: 5
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Classic black corset

I found this photo while cleaning up my files. I’ve posted photos of a different, more beautifully intricate corset before, but I don’t think I’ve shared this photo of my classic black one.

With jeans, for that ‘oh this old thing?’ casual look...

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Loves: 12
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Birthday nude: Focus on breasts

It’s my birthday, and as is the annual tradition here on my blog, I am gifting you a nude photo of me.

Ferns close up nude

So happy birthday to me *smile*.

Please send more champagne. I haven’t had nearly enough yet.

And click the ‘likes’ button so I feel loved. Well, at least so my breasts feel loved…… Continue Reading

Loves: 132
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Weekend with my First

We met at my gym. Me waiting impatiently. My First driving in from the airport.

We were both smiling as he walked in, a big hug hello, a kiss on the lips (did I go for the cheek? I can’t remember, but already I felt how soft his mouth was, how his touch lingered just a microsecond too long). A quick visual familiarisation, a reconciliation of ancient memory with the man in front of me.

He looked good. Unsurprising. We had exchanged a few pictures, but I had also stalked his Facebook where there were plenty of photos of him: … Continue Reading

Loves: 16
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