Do you know yet?

This is pure unadulterated ego, but I STILL think it’s true:

A bummer with newbie submissive men I get involved with is that they won’t know how amazing I really am until they get some experience with others. Until then, they more or less think all Dommes are like me, probably better, because ‘internet’ :P.

But if am interested in them, if I’m with them, there’s something special there. Something unlike anything they are going to experience again, something truly unique and rich and mind-blowing, something rare and sparkling.


They think ‘wow, this is … Continue Reading

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Are ‘introvert Dommes’ a thing?

Yes, of course introvert Dommes are a thing!

Also shy Dommes, socially awkward Dommes, anxious Dommes, quiet Dommes, depressed Dommes etc. Wanting a D/s relationship isn’t contingent on being a certain type of person. On either side of the slash.

I am introverted, very.

I think people often use ‘introverted’ when they mean some of the things I mentioned above.

But that’s not what I mean by ‘introverted’.

For me, I’m talking more of a Jungian definition (think ‘MBTI tests’: I know I know, they are so yesterday :P).

That is, for me, people are energy sucks.

I do think … Continue Reading

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A braingasm of femdom posts

What’s the collective noun for a relentless bunch of femdom blog posts in a row?

I settled on ‘a braingasm’, but maybe ‘an insult’, ‘an authority’, ‘an order’, ‘a shitstorm’, ‘a salubriosity’ (is SO a word!)?


The fabulous Hyacinth over at A Dissolute Life Means is running an #EveryDamnDayInJune blogging meme, which she does every year and which I’ve never joined. You can find links to folks who are joining in at the bottom of that post linked in the hashtag there.

I like the idea of ‘forced writing’ (is this a kink?!), which … Continue Reading

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What day is it?


© 'Randomness' by Ferns

It is a sign of the times that I no longer know what day it is. Lying in bed this morning having a little bet with myself. I was wrong, by the way. I decided it was most definitely Monday. It’s not. It’s Sunday. So here we are :).

How are you all doing, my lovelies?

I hope you and yours are well and safe. Please insert any and all of the trite pandemic-style banalities here.

On that note, Chrissy Teigen is one of the very few celebrities I follow on twitter because she’s hilarious, isn’t above getting into low-level … Continue Reading

Loves: 16
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The model and the priest

Continuing on with my theme about liars from my previous post: Two stand-outs of ‘men who I didn’t believe, and who I called out’. Neither of them were potential submissives, but still.

The Model

A 6’6 fucking model hottie who was lighting up Fetlife with hot pictures.

OBVIOUSLY stolen photos *eyeroll*.

After quite a few of his photos hit ‘Kinky and Popular*’, thanks to women thirsty for hot bods, I got so annoyed that I challenged him, like ‘come on, dude’.
*(K&P shows photos that get the most loves and comments, and it’s mostly full of very Continue Reading

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Liars and not-liars

Femdom dating is a crap shoot, emphasis on the ‘crap’ sometimes.

I’m not sure I ever wrote about the submissive in the US I said “No thanks” to.

He emailed me, was too young, had no way to afford even a single visit. He was just curious and wanted online attention and shenanigans while pretending he wanted something else.

After I said ‘no thank you’, he contacted me using another name, same IP address (amateur mistake). When I challenged him, he said, “No no I’m just staying with that other guy you talked to, I’m definitely not HIM! I live … Continue Reading

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24/7 D/s vs FLR: What’s the difference?

There were some conversations on Twitter today about the difference between a 24/7 D/s dynamic and a Female Led Relationship (FLR).

An expanded version of my tweet-thoughts on this below.

The upshot: To me they’re the same thing.

My goal is a 24/7 D/s dynamic.

In my 24/7 D/s dynamic (when I have one), I have the authority in our relationship.

I lead, he follows.

There may be carve-outs that we agree on: For example, I may not have authority over his work or family, we decide what works for us. And that may change over time.

But the bottom … Continue Reading

Loves: 42
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