Anatomy of a disappointment

I hate to be disappointed. Truly. But I also don’t like to be cynical. It’s a tricky balance, but when I’m optimistically excited, the disappointment is, of course, worse than when I don’t expect much. Not least because I feel foolish and naive for being hopeful.

So the unfolding of events with the 24 year old:

Thursday before last: He mentioned eating his ejaculate, asked if I would help him with that. It was in the context of a chat about his orgasm control and I was fine with him asking, but it made me realise that he had … Continue Reading

Loves: 10
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A second chance

The 23 year old landed back in my inbox around the beginning of May, he had had a birthday, his profile showed he was 24 now.

He was a little cautious with me, but still the same articulate, curious boy. Just a little less bouncy.

He’d had a couple of service experiences with different dominants in the ensuing time, but said he kept coming back to our conversations, stressed how important they were to him, thanked me for what he learnt from them. I suspect I was the only one who challenged him, who wanted to talk to him to … Continue Reading

Loves: 14
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An inauspicious start

In February, a 23 year old newbie submissive contacted me looking for a domestic service opportunity. I don’t normally entertain the idea of service arrangements (not least because I don’t trust them), and non-romantic D/s isn’t really my thing.

But this boy was super polite and articulate and enthusiastic in the face of my scepticism. I grilled him on his domestic skills like some old dragon, asked him how he would clean glass doors, a car, a mirror, a stove top, tile floors, wooden tables etc. A whole bunch of things.

He did not have answers, but he didn’t … Continue Reading

Loves: 8
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What’s a ‘service submissive’?

I wrote a bit about my view of service submission in response to a couple of comments on my last post, but wanted to pull it out and expand on it a little to specifically explain what I mean when I refer to a ‘service submissive’.

I use the term ‘service submissive’ to describe someone who offers domestic services (or sometimes other useful services) for their own sake, because they get something out of doing it for a dominant. That is, the exchange is solely or primarily about giving and receiving service of some kind (and no, sexual ‘service’ … Continue Reading

Loves: 14
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An actual unicorn

Today I met with a 24 year old service submissive.

The history on him soon.

Suffice it to say that service submissives are the unicorns of the F/m world, talked about with awe and wonder and more than a little scepticism.

I may just have found my unicorn: A smart, opinionated, pretty unicorn with pure blue eyes and and a great attitude.

*faints*Continue Reading

Loves: 11
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Mid morning coffee (or ‘bad date ideas’)

I went on another vanilla date. This is (only) my second off a vanilla dating site. I talked about the first already.

In my defence of non-dating, I was caught up with the cougarling soon after that so it was moot.

I invited him out without much preamble in line with my ‘immersive dating’ attempts. He had interesting photos, was a half dozen years older than me, sounded ‘fine’ (‘dating immersion’ dictates that ‘fine’ is good enough to try).

So I turned up for a mid morning coffee meeting and quickly realised that attempting this sort of thing without … Continue Reading

Loves: 12
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Heavy sighs & fine-ness

I have written more, lots, reams, but I just don’t feel like posting it because REASONS.

So, this:

Hello cougarling,

Thank you so much for all the travel you did to come and spend time with me, I really appreciate it.

I enjoyed so much about our time together: you’re lovely, and you’re so beautiful, and I feel like there is more to explore. I’d be delighted to see you again to kiss and pet and play some more if you would enjoy that also.

But given how we communicate, trying to build a long term relationship over this … Continue Reading

Loves: 9
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