Submissive man seeks casual play partner

Ten days ago, my sweet friend Peroxide placed a personal ad in location-specific groups for a female dominant. He is looking purely for casual play.

Charming young sub, seeking casual play partner

Hi, I’m Peroxide, I write Submissive in Seattle and I’m looking for a nice lady to be my casual play partner.

I don’t do sex or D/s outside of a LTR, so this would just be a Top/bottom thing.

I’m not terribly experienced, but I am masochistic and eager to have a good time, so if you are a Domme/top/sadist and want a nice male body to tie

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Profile: From ‘no’ to ‘oh yes please’

With all the talk of profiles that is always going on, and my ‘No, bad profile, bad!!’ thing, I have permission from the lovely man who prompted this post to show you ‘before’ and ‘after’.

He turned up on my ‘who’s viewing me’ list on CollarMe, so I went and took a look at his profile. It looked like this:


This boy needs to learn who comes first.

Although he’s a successful and professional alpha male in public, the boy acknowledges that he has always felt happiest when dreaming about serving a worthy lady. He knows that he has … Continue Reading

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How to beg

I was a huge huge fan of Bitchy Jones’s Diary. Her blog is still on my blog roll even though she stopped writing there (and removed a lot of her content) in February 2010  *sad face*. But I just discovered that I saved a couple of my favourite posts… wheeee!!!

I am really not so big on begging because it has to be sincere and believable to work for me, and most men can’t pull it off. But Oh. My. Fucking God.  When it’s done right… Guh.

This was an email that Bitchy Jones got from her submissive, … Continue Reading

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Profile advice for submissive men

Sometimes I send unsolicited profile advice out into the world to submissive men who seem sincere, but who are not presenting themselves at all well. The email is usually triggered by them attracting my attention in some way (an interesting comment in a discussion, them showing up in ‘who’s viewing me’ on CM, or something similar). This leads me to take a look at their profile, where sometimes, I get that confused look on my face (“Eh?”), or sometimes I do a big double facepalm, and I just know that they have no idea that they are doing themselves … Continue Reading

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User names and you…

User names are like a signature on the internet or in the community. I figure if you chose it, you did so to specifically and unequivocally communicate something about yourself.

That being the case, many are a complete turn off for me.

If a submale has a user name that communicates an icky message, he is going to have to work *extra* hard to make me believe he’s actually an intelligent, thinking human being.

I recognise that many of these men with really bad nicknames ARE intelligent, thinking human beings. I know because I have spoken to them, but I … Continue Reading

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Scammers come in different flavours

So you got contacted by an uber hottie… whoo hoo!! She’s from your home town and she is super keen on you and thinks you are special… that’s so awesome!! She wants to claim you as her slave… yesss!!! You’ve been talking for a couple of weeks… it’s going great! She seems to be moving really fast, but ok, that’s fine… good even! And she hasn’t asked you for money so SHUT UP FERNS!!

There are scammers who will invest in you if they are after more than the few dollars they can get from having you join some BDSM … Continue Reading

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This is what a scam looks like

So, you (submissive male ‘you’) have emailed with someone for a while, she seems perfect, she ‘gets’ you, you have a lot in common, she likes your kinks, she thinks you are special. Then she asks for money. You go ‘hang on!’ and you baulk.

Then she sends something like this (actual email below). It is designed to hit every insecurity and doubt button you may have.

I am disappointed that you seem to want to fail so early and ruin everything but this is why I set this test. There are literally thousands of so called submissives who promise

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