
I have a date.

Shocker, right?


With this lovely submissive man who I’ve dubbed the Pilot (because he is, among other things, a pilot).

I don’t normally write about potential submissives here because I think it puts too much pressure on, well, everything.

In fact I normally don’t mention anyone here until they feel tangible, until I know I like them, until we have had a couple of months of promising contact at least.

But hell, I haven’t had a date since forever.

We exchanged quite a few emails four years ago. I actually really liked him then: he was smart and articulate, he took direction well, he was thoughtful, and I really enjoyed our correspondence. I liked him enough to ask if he was interested in chatting to me more seriously, but he wasn’t checking his emails, and by the time he answered with a ‘yes please’, I had turned my attention elsewhere.

So he landed in my inbox again recently, showing all of the qualities I liked previously. Plus he’s funny. I hadn’t remembered that.

So yeah, I have a date.

Ssshhhh… no jinxing it.

Loves: 7
Please wait…

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  1. This makes my happy, and I’ll be even happier after you report good stuff about how well it went.

    The romantic in me loves a good happy ending… Happy beginnings are good too!

  2. What great news. So very excited for you and your gentleman caller. I’m hoping there will be copious champagne and glorious heels. ?

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