Here are the results of our bicep guessing game.
- Only one person publicly got them all 100% right in the comments (yay you, Berkson)!
Well, technically, Thumper also got 100% right in the comments, but I know that he *actually* only got 7 right (because he said so). I assume he did the quiz, then accidentally transcribed the correct ANSWERS shown at the end into his comment.
- Only one (Anonymous) person who did the quiz got them 100% right. I can’t parse out any more detailed stats (like ‘how many guessed what’ from the quiz-doers. Boo!).
Results (thank you to the fabulous friend who wrote a little script to pull out these numbers so I didn’t have to!):
- berkson – with 12 correct matches (100% right!).
- Violenttadpole – with 10 correct matches.
- thumper – with 7 correct matches.
- Steel Snaked Charmer – with 6 correct matches.
- Alexa – with 6 correct matches.
- Canine Thing That the ‘Mericans Call Ham – with 6 correct matches.
- Steeled Snake – with 4 correct matches.
- Tom Allen – with 2 correct matches.
- SGCFit – with 2 correct matches.
And here is ‘whose bicep was guessed correctly’ from the public guesses:
- SGCfit – identified correctly by 8 others.
- Andy – identified correctly by 6 others.
- Steeled Snake – identified correctly by 6 others.
- Dual Drew – identified correctly by 6 others.
- Coffee Cat – identified correctly by 6 others.
- Tom Allen – identified correctly by 5 others.
- Steel Charmer – identified correctly by 5 others.
- Alexa Brune – identified correctly by 5 others.
- Ferns – identified correctly by 4 others.
- Violenttadpole – identified correctly by 4 others.
- thumper – identified correctly by 3 others.
- Berkson – identified correctly by 3 others.
I’m really surprised more people didn’t identify mine given I ego-posted various versions of my bicep all over the place. For the record, my First (who saw me sort-of work out a bit in person for real) didn’t guess mine correctly either.
And here we are all reunited with our respective biceps.
Fun *smile*! Thanks to those who joined in.
I actually had 8 correct as I interchanged my pic with SteelCharmer’s !
Yay Berkson, well done!
Thank you Ferns for coordinating and crew for participating, it was so fun!
Ha! Well done you. And it WAS fun!
And you’re most welcome. Thanks for the idea *smile*.
I only ‘know’ (via teh intarwebs) a few of these bicep owners, so I didn’t even try to guess. Except in my head. And then, I only attempted two: Drew and you.
I got Drew’s right. :)
*laugh* 50%… woot!
LOL – when I ran through the pics, it seemed that I hadn’t gotten *any* of them, except my own. I kept changing my answers based on the workouts of the rest of the crew, and trying to figure out who was doing more arm work that month.
Too funny! Especially given you didn’t know the starting point for most of them :).
your biceps is gross
*laugh* Bless.
Look, if you’re going to be an asshole at least try not to sound like an illiterate one because, dammit, I deserve a better class of hater!
Very cool biceps and a cool idea as well. What would you recommend for a mid 20s’ fitness newbie to get started, do you use stuff like maxinutrition?
Thanks Matt, glad you enjoyed it.
Mid 20s male: man, you are in your prime and with a bit of work, you will shape up like a mofo.
Easiest no-brainer approach: Go look up “Body for Life”. It’s a commercial industry, but you don’t have to pay them anything: all the info is available for free, and it’s pretty solid as a (full on!) workout starting point.
And eat well. Nothing extreme, just good healthy food: Lean meat, vegetables, fruit. If you drink a lot, cut it out (most men who drink some will see a significant difference if they stop).
Personally, I don’t have junk food in the house. I did take a protein supplement (Optimum Nutrition) when I was trying to build some muscle and had daily protein goals, but I can’t really tell if it helped at all.
There are no shortcuts, but as a mid-20s male, you will see great results quickly. Go get it! :)
Best of luck.
RE: Body for Life –
There’s a couple of very good books out on the BFL workout that are not very expensive.
Also, if you don’t have a lot of time in any one day to devote to exercising, check online for Starting Strength or StrongLifts 5×5. They cover basic lifts, but have a solid program.
Thanks Tom :).