My Mistress: the movie

I know the Fifty Shades of Grey trailer is all over the internet, but perhaps we can do better.

I just found this: an Australian movie called ‘My Mistress‘.

From IMDB:

What starts as a beautiful and strangely innocent affair between a vulnerable teenage romantic and a French S&M mistress soon becomes more dangerous.

It’s a long hot summer for Charlie Boyd. He’s sixteen, his hormones are raging and he’s just found out his mother is having an affair with his father’s best friend. One thing takes his mind off his problems, the mysterious woman down the … Continue Reading

Loves: 11
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Reader Q&A: Spotting submissives, pro work, casual play, loveliness

Oh how they pile up when I’m not looking: I do love that *smile*.

Let’s not waste time then!


Ik neem aan dat Nederlands moet lukken … ik waag het er tenminste op.

Het idee om voor je te koken (naakt of in wat je ook wil dat ik voor je draag) is al een lekkere gedachte. Dat ik dan binnen de kortste keren vastgebonden op je bed kan liggen is helemaal heerlijk.

U heeft vast nog wel van die kinky dingen op voorraad :-)

*smile* Yes, Dutch works. And yes, I am full of the good ideas, … Continue Reading

Loves: 3
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Birthday nude: Okay fine, fishnets & heels

Happy birthday to me!

My traditional birthday nude is turning more into ‘something I label as nude, but clearly isn’t’.

But it’s my party and I’ll cliché-fake-nude if I want to!

Ferns legs

Wish me happy birthday, or at least click the little ‘Likes’ star so I feel loved.

And send champagne. I obviously shouldn’t have to get my own on my birthday!… Continue Reading

Loves: 112
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Did you miss me?

Do I want you to get attached to me?

Oh yes.

No-one ever asks this though.

“You missed me didn’t you?” I ask.

It’s a rhetorical question. I know the answer. I want to hear you say it anyway.

I like to be missed.

I like to be wanted.

I like to be so far inside that it’s unbearable.

I like desperation and fear of loss and emotions out of control.

I like all of those things that make it dangerous for you. Unsafe.

I know I am not supposed to like those things. I am supposed to be looking … Continue Reading

Loves: 13
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Happies in my inbox

I don’t normally post what comes into my inbox, but this stunningly lovely email arrived in my email yesterday and it made me so very happy I wanted to share it.

If I ever wonder why I write, this is more than enough to remind me.

(posted with permission)


Subject: A long overdue thank you

Hey Ferns,

I’ve been meaning to send this message for a long time and finally got around to it tonight. I apologize in advance for the…I guess you could say…sappy tone of the message, but that’s just how it turned out.

You’re amazing. You’re … Continue Reading

Loves: 11
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My sent emails XLIII

Polite enough email exchange with a 28yo who claims to be serious about wanting a long term D/s relationship. He lives in New York. No, Seattle. He’s 6′. No, 5’10. Whatever.


Hello Ron,

We’re done here.

Miss Pearl is a friend of mine and you are obviously an emotionally unhinged liar.

Don’t contact me again.



Want an explanation? All righty then.


Edited to add: Here’s a follow up from Miss Pearl including the charming missive that was addressed to her but that our mutual friend cc’d me in on so that I wouldn’t feel left … Continue Reading

Loves: 10
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Holiday snaps

As you know, I recently went to Fiji for a couple of weeks.

I’m not one for lying on the beach (which is, I think, the primary image that comes to mind when one says ‘Fiji’), but I did quite a bit of kayaking, snorkelling, rafting, swimming, walking, reading, eating, drinking and playing games (I think my scrabble-fu is getting better: not at all due to my belligerent arguing that “that is SO a word!!”).

Here are some of my holiday snaps (be thankful you aren’t here, I’d be making you look through the lot and make you listen … Continue Reading

Loves: 12
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