Clothes of boyfriends past

It is cold tonight, and I am, coincidentally, wearing three articles of clothing from boyfriends past.

It is unintentional, and sweet.

My sweatshirt, too big, an unattractive colour really, is one that I grabbed out of my first submissive’s ‘give away’ bag when we were clearing out clothes to take to good will. He probably had it for quite a while before I took it. I plucked it out of the box by the front door.

“I’ll have that,” I said, putting it on.

He looked at me in it.

“It looks good,” he said.

I laughed, twirled.

“It … Continue Reading

Loves: 3
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Check my workouts!

At the end of April 2012, I started a ‘body project’ with the aim of looking more awesome naked. On 25th May, I did a call out for folks to join me in a fitness blitz. Some amazing folks heeded the call and we’re working together in a group we affectionately call the ‘Ferns Workout Crew’ (#fwocrew on Twitter).

The link below will take you to my workout log so you can see how I am faring:

Ferns’ Workout Log

The workout crew participates in random weekly commitments to workouts to help us stay motivated. You can check out Continue Reading

Loves: 13
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Domme: Online training part II

STILL not what you thought, random searchers!

*sigh* Oh, okay then. Drop trou and give me 20 push ups. Then 20 more. Then… well, you see where I am going with this… Don’t stop until I have finished talking to the nice folks…

With that out of the way, and to close this training topic off as a non-topic, but sort-of topic for my blog, I have set up a page specifically for gym stuff, workout tracking and rrraaawwwrrr flexy fitness stuff.

It’s here:

Check my workouts!

I’ve put a link over in my sidebar (look look, over there, top … Continue Reading

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Domme: Online training

Ha! It’s not what you think, but now that you are here, read on…

Since it’s my forty-mumbleish birthday in a few months, I have decided that I should be in the best shape of my life right now. Truly. I have the time, I have no excuse, I live at the frigging beach for goodness’ sakes!

I can thank good Dutch genes and self awareness (versus physical activity and a good diet) for the body I have now. The genes are just rude luck, the self awareness relates to my theory of body care (proven, I will have you … Continue Reading

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Formspring update…

I wrote about my Formspring experiment last week: I was going to see how it went before I decided whether to keep it or not. I love hearing from you good folks, LOVE IT! Whether it’s just a ‘hello there’, some heartwarming sweetness (OMG, love!), a D/s question or something random. It’s just a really fun exchange for me.

So, I’m going to keep it up for the moment to see how it goes.

You can click on the “Ask me!” link (in the menu at the top of the page) to ask your own question, leave a … Continue Reading

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I often felt like my sexuality was being hijacked by someone else’s agenda or expectations and there was no room to express myself in the way I wanted, and it took me a long time to figure out why that was. Once I figured out that it was about control, I was able to better figure out how to find my complement.

…dominance is how I show love, desire, affection, tenderness… I want to rip the skin from his bones and crawl inside him, stick my hands into his body and touch him everywhere, I want him splayed open, vulnerable,

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Loves: 2
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Sunday curiosity #13… not

Yes, I know it’s not Sunday!! Bear with me!

I used to do a very irregular “Sunday curiosity” post where I invited people to ask me random questions. This was not a strategy that I made up because I was too lazy to actually come up with topics to write about… ooohhh no! Not at all. Okay, well… maybe a little bit.

Mostly though, I did it because I loved to hear from you, my lovely readers, and respond to *your* input (versus the other way around), but it fell by the wayside in the flurry that is … Continue Reading

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