From this moment on

When’s the day you start again
And when the hell does ‘you’ll get over it’ begin

Still wear the scars like it was yesterday
But you’re long gone and moved on

Oh from this moment on
I’m changing the way I feel
Yeah, from this moment on
It’s time to get real

Loves: 1
Please wait…

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  1. I'd totally bring you a big ass bottle of wine and a boy toy to expel some emotion on, if the airfare weren't so high or if I were insanely wealthy! oh, and also if it weren't stalkerish to do so! ha


  2. Sweets: “I'd totally bring you a big ass bottle of wine and a boy toy to expel some emotion on, if the airfare weren't so high or if I were insanely wealthy! oh, and also if it weren't stalkerish to do so! ha”

    *laugh* Win!!

    Oh wait… you have spare boy toys? Greedy bitch! Gimme!


  3. Coug: “Geeesh enough with the sadz…”

    But but… it was positive, sort of… yeah, ok, it was sad too…

    “…make I happy”

    Your wish is my command (ok, well not the wish about me suddenly discovering that I am a lesbian submissive…!).

    Happies coming, I promise!!


  4. Ferns: “Oh wait… you have spare boy toys? Greedy bitch! Gimme!”

    I don't keep 'em! They aren't 'mine.' I'm trying to find them homes… now cheese… I don't like to share my cheese… or lemon pie… anything else but the cheese and lemon pie…

  5. “Your wish is my command (ok, well not the wish about me suddenly discovering that I am a lesbian submissive…!).”

    As it's you I'll settle for bi submissive deal ?

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