Just… yay!!

Who gets to step out of their front door to go for a walk, and then sees dolphins?

Me!! Me!!! I do!!!

I am so fucking lucky!!!

*happy sigh*

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  1. You *are* bleddy lucky indeed, Miss Ferns.

    And I wish I were a dolphin.

    Sir Puppington Lothian.

  2. prsuasivpressure: “I do :) and whales from time to time. We are very fucking lucky”

    Oh whales! Magic! Lucky lucky lucky!!


  3. puppy: “You *are* bleddy lucky indeed, Miss Ferns.”

    *happy nodding*

    “And I wish I were a dolphin.”

    But but… you are a puppy!!! Everyone loves puppies!


  4. Miss Ferns . . .

    I'm home tomorrow, so I can *write* to you. About dolphins, puppies, plumbing; about whatever. Yay!!

    I hope you're still happy. Don't disappoint me by saying 'No', or I shall be forced to punish you by henceforth capitalising the word 'you' whenever I write to You.

    Sir Puppington Lothian.

  5. Coug: “Awesomeositity ( it's a word!) Ferns colour me jealous”

    It's totally a word!! *colours you petulant puce*


  6. puppy: “I'm home tomorrow, so I can *write* to you. About dolphins, puppies, plumbing; about whatever. Yay!!”

    Yay indeed!

    “Don't disappoint me by saying 'No', or I shall be forced to punish you by henceforth capitalising the word 'you' whenever I write to You.”

    You don't do that anyway? You do, because you are a twue submissive!


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