Survey: Results part II

I’ve been trying to figure out how to post the ‘free text’ parts of the survey. To me, they are the most interesting responses because you all got to say whatever you wanted, but obviously, there is no way to categorise them, nor do I want to try and fit them into little boxes.

So, I have decided to slip them in at random, little snippets of feedback drip-fed through the posts in no particular order. They are sweet and touching and funny and totally lovely and it makes me happy to share them.

Here is the first set of … Continue Reading

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Survey: Results part I

I did have fun with this!!

I will do it in a few parts. The responses with comments are, of course, the most interesting, but also the most difficult to do a show and tell with. This first look at the survey will be the easy ones, and oh look! Graphs! Whheeeee!!!

Click the graphs to get a better look at them.

** Thank you to the kind folks who provided some help with the image quality problem, particularly Étienne who spent some time with me to investigate. Look how pretty they are!

Of the 2% who chose other than … Continue Reading

Loves: 1
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Survey: Last chance…

I’ll be closing the survey tomorrow, making graphs (yes, yes, I am a complete nerd… but not nerdy enough to be a geek, which would make me much cooler!!) and figuring out how to hold that mirror up with all of the interesting information about you. Secrets!

I am delighted that so many quiet readers have ventured out from behind the keyboard to share some snippets with me (hello you!).

So… last chance… please do get in there and give me a piece of your mind (not an important piece though, I’d hate for you to forget how to walk…). … Continue Reading

Loves: 1
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Survey: Quick and dirty

There are some questions that you asked in my survey that are easy to answer, I like easy! If you want to out yourselves as the owners of said questions by fessing up in the comments, feel free… the confession box is open…

Ready? Here goes:

A daily cartoon strip?

*laugh* Ummmm… no, but that did make me laugh. And I have included a couple that I stole from elsewhere*, just for you!

(I look exactly like that, by the way…)

I cringe at ‘domme’ every time.

Not a question, but I just wanted to say… Domme Domme Domme DommeContinue Reading

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Survey… exciting!

I am so delighted at the amazing responses to my survey so far that I wanted to post a premature ‘thank you!’.

I am enjoying the feedback immensely! Not only for the stats, which are interesting enough all on their own, but even more so for the fabulous comments that you are volunteering – they are thoughtful, insightful, funny, personal and often truly lovely. I am absolutely loving hearing from you!

And plus, I will get to put some of it into graphs, and you know, I love graphs!

Is it sad that I am so excited about this?! … Continue Reading

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Sunday curiosity #7 – Survey

That means you don’t really exist… you realise that right?

Now everyone, I want you to sit quietly (shush you, Johnny…! Don’t think I can’t see you there in the back row!!) and pay attention…

Here is a test. Well, ok, not a test, a survey, but it looks kind of like a test except it’s really easy and there are no wrong answers, so not really like a test at all…

It’s (again) me being curious about you good folks who come here and read my blog…

So, come and sit here Continue Reading

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