Settling in

'Housewarming gift' by Ferns

The move went smoothly, my new place was clear of mess and liveable by the end of the first day (a promise I made to myself because clutter stresses me out and I did NOT want to wake up to stacks of boxes everywhere the following morning).

Though by ‘liveable’ I don’t mean that everything was all done and dusted. I’m not magic!

I mean that I had Carl (my coffee machine) ready to go for the morning (along with coffee, mug, milk, sugar: priority 1!), the kitchen was unpacked, the fridge had food in it, the living and dining … Continue Reading

Loves: 5
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Moving house %$#^&!

So I’ve mentioned my unstable living situation a few times now, so it’s no surprise that I’m moving.

Packing doesn’t seem like such a big thing. It’s a vague ‘I hate packing’ thing until you are in it.

It’s not the big things that are painful: Empty contents of wardrobe into a box, there, done.

It’s the millions of little things that make it such a daunting task.

That and the overwhelming urge to do a pre-move cleanout, which has me rifling through cupboards, running to the charity shop, posting things on ebay, and crying over photos of my dead … Continue Reading

Loves: 4
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Wonder Woman is glorious

'General Antiope ~/~ Wonder Woman ~/~ Queen Hippolyta'

**  Spoilers **

Wonder Woman is glorious. Glorious.

That is the perfect word for how I felt watching it. I cried, I laughed, I loved it.

It’s glorious in a way that makes me so very happy. The central character, the supporting cast, the Amazons (oh my god, the Amazons!), the movie as a whole.

I don’t review movies here, that’s not what this blog is for, but I talked about Furiosa for the same reason I am talking about Wonder Woman: Action movies starring women, aw yeah!

It makes me delighted to know that little kids will grow up … Continue Reading

Loves: 19
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60 facts about me

This random list came out of a little game on Twitter (you follow me on the Twitter, right? Of course you do! Then you know all of this already…).

  1. I have sex toys that I have literally never used. Virgin sex toys: that’s a thing, right?
  2. I usually masturbate every day, even if I don’t really feel like it
  3. Re number 2: I have a genuine fear that if I don’t keep my (literal… heh) hand in, my libido will disappear (‘use it or lose it’)
  4. I don’t really understand people who have very elaborate masturbation sessions: lots of
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Loves: 27
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Sometimes I feel like my entire life is a performance for some unknown audience outside of myself.

I had a good cry this morning. Like you do when shit happens.

I looked at myself in the bathroom mirror and wondered who it was for.

If I write about it here, was it for you, dear readers?

Some angsty vulnerable moment that I subconsciously know I will share later? Some act that I am performing for the purpose of putting it into some public script after the fact?

If I don’t write about it, or tell anyone, and nobody sees, does … Continue Reading

Loves: 14
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You can

We are all scared, I said.

I know but I’m really scared.

Of what?

Everything. I’m scared of everything.

Well cut that shit out. A short laugh. Not unkind.

I can’t.

You can. Pick them out one at a time, those fears. A small one first. Take out your sword and your shield and brandish them like a warrior in full flight. Run at it hard. Like your life depends on it. When you get closer you’ll see: it’s not so big. Then pick the next one. Fight those battles.

I can’t.

You can. Here, take my sword. It is … Continue Reading

Loves: 22
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Exhausted and angry

I’m tired of expecting people to do the right thing.

Even more, I’m tired of feeling like I can’t expect them to do the right thing.

It’s utterly exhausting and depressing to expect the worst of people.

I don’t want to. Truly I don’t. And I try really hard to keep it at bay, to hang onto that smiling wide-eyed optimism that I used to have in droves.

I think it makes me an uglier person when I let it in, that bone-wearying cynicism. It makes me feel like a lesser person, a weaker person. Walking around in the world … Continue Reading

Loves: 11
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