Be bold

'Lagertha, Vikings'

You know, sometimes I just want to see women kicking some arse and inviting priests into a threesome…

**Vikings spoilers and violence**

(also I could not find a way to stop this instagram video from auto-looping, click it again to stop it)

I have message for you… #timesup #womensmarch

A post shared by Katheryn Winnick (@katherynwinnick) on

When people say ‘fight like a girl’, I couldn’t agree more.

What is a woman’s place in this world?

Is it to be docile, compliant, or simply silent.


The gods have bigger … Continue Reading

Loves: 9
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(re) Follow me on the twitter


*** CLICK HERE TO (RE)FOLLOW ME: Ferns__ ***.

I’m following back and everything so come and clickety-click.

Note: Just to confuse you, yes, my twitter account name IS THE SAME AS BEFORE, but it IS a new account and you STILL have to re-follow me.

Background story and bitchery: If you’ve been reading this blog (or other sex bloggers) over the past few months, you’ll know about the pornocalypse which is about social media platforms stifling (or outright banning) the voices of adult content creators (in case you haven’t … Continue Reading

Loves: 8
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Come home

My last submissive was long distance.

Our alternative for ‘I miss you’, which we said with increasing frequency and heart-aching sadness as time went on, was a whispered “When are you coming home?”

“When are you coming home?”
“Soon, baby, I’ll be home soon.”

I can’t quite remember if it came from this song which I adore, and which I had never heard before he sent it to me.

But today I listened to this and smiled. It reminded me of him, but it’s not for him any more. It’s for the beautiful submissive man I haven’t found yet.

“I’ve Continue Reading

Loves: 15
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I don’t like to ask

Public domain mark'Untitled' by milivanily

I’ve talked about the vulnerability of asking before, but apparently I have more to say on it.

Asking something of a submissive I’m talking to, expecting something of them, then paying attention to it, prompting them to do better: These are all ways that I communicate that I care. That I’m invested. That I’m trusting them with small pieces.

I don’t like to ask things of people. I know that will sound odd to some who have an idea that a dominant woman is all about asking, nay demanding, things.

But to me, asking something of someone is an attempt … Continue Reading

Loves: 35
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Christmas day

Goodies from my ex *swoon*

Hot here, brutally bright sunshine, warm breeze, not a cloud in the sky.

I am waiting for my family to arrive. I am hosting this year. They will be stupidly early for lunch. That’s how they are.

I can’t cook, but I will do my best. Crispy garlic chicken with hasselback potatoes and a dessert that is essentially pavlova in a glass. The amazing package of goodies I got from my ex will provide the best of the meal: Home made snacks that actually take skill to make.

We will drink champagne and watch people in the park do their … Continue Reading

Loves: 17
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Top Sex Bloggers 2017

Creative Commons BY 2.0 mark'Top Sex Bloggers 2017' by Mollys Daily Kiss

As she does every year, the fabulous Molly from Mollys Daily Kiss has painstakingly put together the 100 top sex bloggers list for 2017.

I’m not on it this year for the first time since 2010, not because I’m not ah-mazing (I SO am!), but because I was number 1 last year and once you hit the number 1 spot, you are disqualified from being on the list ever again forevermore *sad face*.

The list is a wonderful signal boost for our sex blogging community, is great for finding blogs you may not have read before, and for … Continue Reading

Loves: 2
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Pornocalypse & Share Our Shit Saturday #SoSS

Social media platforms and financial institutions are notorious for being anti ANY type of sexual or adult content. It’s not just about censorship and hiding the content, but about stopping those dirty dirty sex people from making any money from it by closing down sources of income, promotional avenues, advertising spaces.

In some cases they have users flag their content as adult content. I have zero problem with this. It seems a sensible way to handle it. But many platforms simply won’t deal with any kind of perfectly legal adult content at all.

Some examples:

  • Paypal freezes accounts that it
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Loves: 9
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