“No man will ever have this…”

When I was a lesbian, one of the things that turned me on, wildly and stupidly, was the thought that ‘no man will ever have this…’

When we tangled up together, all long limbs and smooth skin, when I traced her amazing breasts, when she thrust her cunt into my mouth, when she reached to kiss me, when she showed off her perfect body, when she writhed with pleasure, when she made that ‘ohhh’ sound of arousal, when she moaned, when she fucked herself on me, when she tensed all of her muscles and came for me.

Particularly when … Continue Reading

Loves: 24
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Sexual orientation

Your recent post “Once Upon a Time When I was a lesbian…” makes me want to ask a follow up question.

There seems to be a lot of good information that suggests sexual preference is deeply rooted, hard wired, if you will. In fact, many reputable researchers and therapists make strong cases that this doesn’t typically change over time, ie hetero flipping to lesbian, though bisexual is often recognized, of course.

But your anecdote does not seem to suggest bisexual, at least the way you described it in that post. It sounds more like changing…especially since you describe … Continue Reading

Loves: 12
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Once upon a time when I was a lesbian…

NaBloWriMo[SubmissiveGuyComics is also doing a post for our NaBloWriMo project, though he’s hiding some of them on Twitter so if you aren’t following him, you should… ]


I sometimes jokingly say ‘once upon a time when I was a lesbian…’. It sounds frivolous, and it is a lighthearted reference, but it refers to a really important part of my life, and one I struggled with, though perhaps not for the obvious reasons.

My first love was a girl. I’ve mentioned her before a couple of times. Holy god she was something.

And when I say love, … Continue Reading

Loves: 8
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Random memories: First love

It was scorching hot, summer at the beach in the days when being tanned was the thing and gladly-offered sacrifices to get there included baby oil and sweat dripping from everywhere.

She’d walked out of the surf topless earlier in the day, I had watched her striding towards me up the beach.

I felt, for the first time that I can recall, unbridled lust as she came towards me. A punch in the stomach so strong that had I not already been lying down, I would have doubled over with the power of it. If I had been able to … Continue Reading

Loves: 17
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