Sunday curiosity #5 – Ask my boy

An experiment this fine Sunday…

I know many readers have enjoyed my boy’s writing, and I thought it would be interesting to invite you to ask him questions (actually, it was his idea… soon he will be taking over this blog!). So, if you are curious enough to wonder about him, now’s your chance to prod and poke at him… (c’mere, baby, it won’t hurt a bit…).

To kick this off, I thought I would start by asking him a question of my own:

How do you feel about being the subject of writing in this blog?

I’ve … Continue Reading

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Sunday curiosity #4

There were only four questions from last week’s Sunday curiosity… so how did this post end up being so long? Discuss.


dan englishman said…

What is your first dominant memory? My submissive memory involves a girl next door, both of us too young to be playing anything more than show and tell…her persuading me to go first, manipulates the situation…i give in, show her what she wants to see and she ran off and told her mum what i had done. The bitch. Still brings a smile out remembering the confused, humiliating, angry emotions. Being chastised by her mum Continue Reading

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Sunday curiosity #3

Sunday again… hello!  I hope you all had a good week.

Before the Q&A, I thought I would entertain you with a short email exchange that goes a way to explaining why dominant women might get kind of fed up with some of the contacts they get on CollarMe or Fetlife or similar sites.  I very rarely get explicitly rude emails (saved from the cock shots by having a practically empty profile and no photos), but I do sometimes get emails from boys who seem to have lost all of their brain cells in what I can only imagine was … Continue Reading

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Sunday curiosity #2

I was happy to get some new questions in my last Sunday Curiosity… two is the minimum for a post, that’s what I figured using very scientific and risky mathematical equations and complex algorithms, besides which, it’s my blog, my rules etc.

So here goes with some cute Q&A…

Anonymous said…

What does your “snowflake” category mean? Some of the posts evoke memories of my ex for me, someone I still feel deeply connected to even though he’s hundreds of miles away, so I’m very curious.

Snowflake was the nickname I gave to my last submissive (unique, like a … Continue Reading

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Sunday curiosity

Thank you so much to everyone who responded to my Curiosity post. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your lovely comments and questions. Fun!

I have to say, just quietly, just between you and me, you folks are impressive… truly! I am not saying that as empty flattery, I mean, I am really flattering myself for attracting such smart, articulate and interesting readers (yay me!)… I toddled off to the blogs that some of you write (some of which are on my regular reading list already, I must say) and found really interesting writing out there – thank … Continue Reading

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