Body project – pro shots

Bicep August 2013 tiny
I did a photo shoot last week and the set included a bunch of muscle-shots, which are a *vast* improvement on my usual rubbish-light-and-angle selfies.

Though when I say ‘muscle-shots’, I am being somewhat generous and might better describe them as ‘trying-to-show-off-muscle shots’.


Bicep August 2013 tinyEven though I’m not big, I DO see some fabulous muscle definition when I’m avatar-sized (see right with the distinct bicep, deltoid, lat, whatever-they-are muscles being visible there), and then I get disappointingly less and less fabulous as you make the photo bigger (see below).


Obviously I need to be … Continue Reading

Loves: 25
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Sex aggression energy

The gym is not busy, mid morning. The session is fine. Nothing special. Drop sets. Chest, back, arms. I’m lifting heavier than I have before. This makes me happy.

I work hard enough to get kitten arms, where everything trembles, right down to the tips of my fingers which shake when I enter stats into the app I use.

I finish and feel a build up of energy as I get water, mix up a protein shake. It’s a feeling that I get rarely from workouts, but I recognise it.

I crackle with energy, it fills the spaces inside me, … Continue Reading

Loves: 16
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Body project update number something or other

I’m pretty much back into a steady gym-going routine after struggling for a while. At the moment, that means three times to the gym and twice to Pilates each week. Motivation-wise I am doing okay, so I’m happy about that. I still want to get bigger and more defined, though I am pretty sure that that will require a level of Herculean effort that I am not willing to put in.

I’m still eating pretty clean, though the cold weather makes me crave hot, gluggy comfort food. I’ve cooked a few protein-rich dishes (chorizo and chickpea soup, chicken and two … Continue Reading

Loves: 4
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Unspoken social agreements

I went to the gym today. On my way out, the owner called me over when I passed the front desk, and asked if he could give me a hint.

He’s a nice man; knowledgeable, too friendly for my liking, but helpful, always remembers everyone’s names.


“When you do the bicep curls right after the pulldowns, your muscles are tired, and you are using your body to lift the weight. If you put your back up against the machine, it’ll give you some support so you don’t put your back into it…”

We chatted about that some more, I … Continue Reading

Loves: 4
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Eye candy, yes please!

I was halfway through my workout when a guy started doing wide grip pull ups 1.

They are my absolute weakness when done slowly, with full control, to failure. Watching his muscles work, then watching him tire, and seeing him strain to get the last few in, the struggle, the determination, and the inevitable fail-point when he couldn’t lift himself again, but he would *still* try for that last one. So fucking beautiful. Guh!

I try not be be obvious about it, but sometimes when men are doing these extraordinary things with their bodies, I just stare, transfixed. I … Continue Reading

Loves: 12
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Oh look, my butt!

I really want to write something awesome and fascinating, but I just can’t get my head into the right place for all of those words…

So here, have a picture of my ass instead.

yes its my arse

*Insert uber-domly demands for kissing and worship here…*Continue Reading

Loves: 42
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Exercise, emotions and sex

A body project check-in… As a spoiler, I have not been doing so great in the last couple of months since I last updated on March 18. Note the consolation beach photo instead of a bicep photo (which I haven’t had the desire to take in case it’s demotivating!).

Read on to find out what’s been going on…

I am in a privileged position with my body project because I have the freedom and time to do what I want when I want, so building a routine and habits that support what I want to achieve is not that hard. … Continue Reading

Loves: 12
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