Lies, lies, and more lies

© 'Liar liar' by Ferns

If you’re on the internet, you’ve been lied to. Maybe in small ways that don’t matter, maybe in egregious ways that did a number on you.

For me, as a dominant woman with a certain level of visibility who’s looking for a partner, I get lied to by self-identified submissive men over and over.

Mostly they are so bad at it that it’s a non-event, an eyeroll, something funny.

But some of them seem plausible, until they’re proven not to be. It gets tiring and depressing. This is how women on the internet get jaded and cynical, despite their best … Continue Reading

Loves: 16
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My sent emails LII

Hello Scandinavian_fellow,
legs w cuff

Thank you for your email. You are in Norway, so I doubt you will be able to offer me anything that I want.

Feel free to contact me again when you have moved to Australia and are within reasonable travelling distance to actually have a relationship.

You said: “i’ll attach a picture so You see who i am.”

That is a photo of Stilrobin Fröström, and I don’t for a second believe that’s you. If you are going to show photos of someone else and pretend it’s you, then I suggest you find an image that is more … Continue Reading

Loves: 8
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Sex as a reward

In F/m, using sex as a reward seems to be a thing. Where the sub’s good behaviour earns sex.

If folks enjoy it, great. But to me it’s the grossest thing.

On all levels.

In my mind, it leads to scenarios like this:

  • Ugh I don’t feel like having sex but he’s ‘earned’ it so I suppose I have to now
  • I feel like having sex but he was ‘naughty’ yesterday, so I guess I don’t get any
  • Gee I hope he’s ‘good’ so I can get some sex
  • I hope he’s disobedient, I don’t feel like having sex today
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Loves: 19
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Meeting a sub… or not

I mentioned in this post that I’d set up a time for drinks with a lovely young submissive who wrote me a stellar introductory email and with whom I’ve been emailing since.

The meeting was today in fact (wow, writing every day really does make this all a bit ‘real-time’ doesn’t it?).

He’d read a lot of my content, done his research, even found my personal ad and said he met all the criteria in it :). He’s young, almost half my age, but in our emails, I’d not asked too many age-related questions because I was trying not to … Continue Reading

Loves: 24
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Fear of flying

I don’t have a fear of flying. I have a fear of failure.

My fear of failure is so great that I couldn’t bear to put the word ‘failure’ in the title. Telling, no?

I genuinely believe that this fear impacts a lot of aspects of my life. Both in my past and in the present.

I am envious of those who have that fear, but try to fly anyway. Madly flapping their arms and running as fast as they can towards some cliff-edge, wishing and working for it.

I know: Big bad Domme scared of failure. How… undomly :P.… Continue Reading

Loves: 17
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Concern vs infantilization

It’s great to be concerned about people, to care, to worry if you think they are doing something that’s bad for them. Of course.

But in the D/s domain, I see a lot of concern-trolling from dominants towards submissives who they don’t even know, and the underlying thought process is a patronising level of ‘poor little ones don’t know what they’re doing, they’re only subs after all, I shall gift them with my superior knowledge’, and it grinds my gears.

There’s ‘being concerned’ and there’s ‘infantilization’, and for me the line is in assessing situations for what they are vs … Continue Reading

Loves: 12
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Sexy audio porn: A literary reading

Twitter as literary source? You betcha!

Author: @Party_Harderson
Story thread: Excerpt from the sexy kinky book…

*takes a bow*

You’re welcome :D.… Continue Reading

Loves: 7
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