This lovely story is especially delightful because we get to hear both Amina AND her submissive, shaykh talk about finding each other in the light of their Islamic faith and customs.
Authors: Amina & shaykh
My name is Amina, I am married to my slave-puppy and wonderful husband. I like your happy femdom story and want to add mine. This is my happy femdom story from my, and then my husband’s, view. I hope this helps show a positive view of femdom.
I was 26 years old, and in Michigan. My mother went to New York to mosque and a shaykh (priest) told her they found a husband for me. My mother met him and said, “He’s a shaykh (priest) and a white American (lol mixed).”
I met him, we talked, and he was surprised my mother didn’t care he was fresh out of stage 2.1 seminary, homeless, unemployed (was looking), and staying in a boarding house.
So he was like, “You want to get married?”
I said, “You have to talk to my father.”
My father, being an Arab man, was like, “You’re a nice alim (scholar), but broke. You can’t marry my daughter.”
So he said, “Okay,” then left.
I didn’t hear from him for two months. My father, being Arab, didn’t want to look like the bad guy, so he didn’t tell me.
But the community starting saying, “She’s 26, a shaykh rejected her,” (he went to an Irani mosque, so he didn’t know what I was going through). My father couldn’t take it.
My ruhani (clergy) puppy went to see another lubnani shaykh (Lebanese priest) speak, and my father was there. My father is 6’3 and 350, with giant hands arms etc. He says. “Brothers excuse me”, and grabs puppy by the shoulders, and says, “Why haven’t you called my daughter? My daughter isn’t good enough for you?”
puppy says, “But akh (brother, sir, friend) you said I couldn’t marry her”.
My father says, “You idiot just because I said you couldn’t marry my daughter, doesn’t mean I didn’t want you to marry my daughter. Here’s my daughter’s number: call her or I will kill you.”
So he called me and didn’t tell me for like a month what happened. I tested him by asking or telling him do this or that, and as he obeyed, I added more. Now this was while we were going on chaperoned dates.
We got a mutah (temp marriage, in our case til aqd or permanent marriage) after two months.
My father gave permission, then tried to take it back, but the other shaykhs (preists) were like, “Once it’s given, you can’t take it back.” By this time my mother had figured out he wasn’t secretly rich, and was trying to ruin things.
After 2 more months, I got an apartment in another state, and stayed with my kinky cousins for a month, brought puppy down to me. He was 20, never lived outside family houses, seminary or shelter, so when we moved into my apartment he didn’t know what to do.
By that time we had learned that what we liked was called BDSM, and that I was an alpha and he was a beta sub.
I got pregnant, my mother tried to make my husband get a job that paid lots of money (he looked, but being alim, all he got was speaking work, and crap jobs), but at 22 what could he do?
My ssi said he couldn’t make more than 300 a month anyway before they cut some of my things, but my mother wanted him to take charge. Because he wasn’t an omega sub, she didn’t get it.
I gave orders and he filled in the details. I was the General he was the Lieutenant.
I told her I want to be in charge and support him. She thought that was evil, so we left when my son was 5 months old, and I got another apartment here, than another.
And life has been grand since, alhamduallah (praise be to god source/essence of source/essence)
I was an educated charismatic young scholar who could discuss speculative religious proofs thru to quantum physics. But I couldn’t keep a steady job. I was always first one fired because I was last hired and least experienced.
I had lived in 7 cities and been homeless 4 times before I was 20. I was a wandering holyman with no direction in practical life.
Then I went to the marriage meeting. And like a compassionate person who picks up a stray puppy, Amina cleaned me up, fed me, clothed me, supported me, took care of me, and brought me home.
She being seven years older than me was patient with me. She ran around 16 hours a day with me. She lost sleep and gave me sex four or five times a night. She put up with my bratty behaviour. During this whole time she was slowly training me. She began to teach me to focus on her pleasure and it gave me happiness. She let me help manage money and taught me to budget. She supported my religious work.
We began to travel. We visited many places and I had many engagements. Because I told the truth I was denied the pulpit and stayed out of the major centers. My reputation and respect in qum and najaf grew, and jealousy and hatred here increased.
My mistress was patient and made sacrifices so we could keep travelling. Finally with support from senior clerics I started a school. Travelling increased, all over the country and a few others.
I had here a surgery: My mistress did all the chores and shopping and nursed me back to health. Rajab shahban and ramadan came and went, we spent eid in San Diego. After which extreme depression over hypocrisy in the shiah community made me depressed. I pulled out not in time to organize 68 eugoly programs properly for my wife’s ancestors killed at Karbalah. My mistress forgave me and said you kept holy the 13 days, we will do a better program next year. When I got the flu, she took care of me like her own child.
I thank allah dat ul dat every day for mistress.
She is allah muwad-ul-khalaqin, mercy made manifest. She is kind caring nurturing forgiving generous funny smart sweet sexy pious wise devout devoutee concerned loving understanding disciplining merciful graceful elegant kind and so much more. I can never repay all she did for me. All I can is be the best protector aid scholar friend companion lover father to our son that I can. It is my privilege to kneel at her feet and to be her service dog guard dog and puppy.
Thank you mistress sayyidna amina for all that you are and all you have done for me.
This post is part of an ongoing project to share positive happy femdom relationship stories. If you have a story that you are willing to share, I’d love to host it. Please check out my call out post for details and send it on to me.
For an entire book of Happy Femdom Stories, click here.
Reading this was a wonderful way to kick off my Tuesday, thank you so much for posting this Sharyn. Bless Amina & Shaykh. As is often the case, she is more practically minded and he is the more reflective, whimsical one. Or maybe many couples are like that but the FD ones are more ready to say it. Also, she’s a little older than him, this also seems to be a bit of a FD trait (though not as much as the other point I don’t think).
A heartening story. Thank You!
Isn’t it great? :))
What a great story. Thank you both very much for sharing.
It’s always my absolute pleasure & privilege to share these :).
What, exactly, are a “beta sub” and an “omega sub”?
In ethology, there is a particular meaning (alpha: first, beta: second, omega: lowest), but I can’t speak to how Amina was using it. Perhaps she will offer comment.
salam. different generalizations of subs personality in terms of need of mircomangement. not implying one is higher or lower just different traits. i prefer marco to mirco managing, so i like alpha or higher end beta type better than mid/low beta and omega. but some domme love to mircomange so it depends.
I’m muslim and married and im into femdom what do I do