Sexy new shoes

I haven’t posted a picture of any fabulous heels in forever! Since moving to the beach, I can’t really justify frivolous heeled purchases because wearing them to the local surf club seems like overkill (to be clear I HAVE worn heels to the local surf club and it was totally overkill *smile*).

This pair was a generous gift from a very sweet submissive man on Twitter. They are a fabulous nude colour, with sky high heels, and delicate ankle straps.

I just love them.

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Calling him ‘boy’

I got this question in my Asks and it was a really good one, so I wanted to devote a post to it.

Read your most recent post on the Texan. May I ask why you refer to him or other men like him as “boy”? Perhaps it is a reflection of my age, but no adult male I knew would hear this word in any other way than an insult. Is this something the two of you discussed before hand? Is it not hard to relate to him as an adult when your name for him is “boy”? Thank Continue Reading

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Remote connections

The sex-voiced Texan is contemplating his options.

“I like you a ridiculous amount,” he says to me while he is deciding whether to turn away from this or not. Whatever ‘this’ is exactly.

He has made some decisions that leave an impending visit far enough away for it to become something vague and untouchable. In light of that, he is disappointed and hurt and sad. He is right to be. These connections that you can form remotely are confusing, and intense, and often pointless. He has no experience with it, and he has reached the feeling of aimless sadness much … Continue Reading

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My Mistress: movie review

Long long overdue, though to be fair, the movie wasn’t actually released here until November

I was emotionally engaged from the start with Charlie as a character.

Harrison Gilbertson (who’s actually 21) is wonderful as the 16 year old boy struggling with events in his life. He has an amazingly expressive face that leans towards vulnerability easily, and he plays a very vulnerable character. I could not stop searching his face for hints of what was going on with him. He delivers just the right notes of hurt, angry, confused and throws some beautiful cheekiness in at … Continue Reading

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Reader Q&A: Vanilla, young lovelies, cookies

These questions landed in my inbox via my ‘Ask me’ page… Thank you for them!

Dear Ferns,

This is a bit difficult to word so bare with me please (:

I have denied my Top side for a very long time.

When I was single I could be quite aggressive sexually and then I met my husband. He opened up a softer side of me and I have become very comfortable letting him lead. Now I find myself thinking about “activities” that I would love to do but my husband is both extremely hetero and kind of a … Continue Reading

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e[lust] #68

Welcome to Elust #68

The only place where the smartest and hottest sex bloggers are featured under one roof every month. Whether you’re looking for sex journalism, erotic writing, relationship advice or kinky discussions it’ll be here at Elust. Want to be included in Elust #69? Start with the rules, come back April 1st to submit something and subscribe to the RSS feed for updates!

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~ This Month’s Top Three

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He’s beautiful

“Do you believe me when I tell you you’re beautiful?”

He pauses. Shrugs. Is uncomfortable. “I believe that you mean it when you say it…” he says finally.

I nod. I mean it. Of course. I don’t say things I don’t mean.

I don’t think anyone has ever told him that he’s beautiful before. It’s not how most women relate to men. He doesn’t quite know what to do with it, isn’t comfortable with it.

I will keep saying it because it gives me pleasure to tell him, because I want him to know how I see him, because I … Continue Reading

Loves: 12
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