Because… mine

My first submissive still carries a scar and a piercing that I gave him almostĀ 20 years ago.

This makes me happy.

Because… mine.

Loves: 13
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  1. Blimey Ferns that’s a bit advanced I was expecting an ear or summat, still bravo obviously he didn’t bleed to death or anything……. Or did he ???

    1. He didn’t, unless I inadvertently created a zombie and didn’t even know it (given my lack of awareness in that relationship, that might be entirely possible!).


    1. I can completely understand that.

      There is really something visceral about it. Intensely visceral at the time, but even now, there lingers some guttural remnant of that feeling of ‘Because… MINE’.

      A piece of him was mine, will always be mine: there’s the proof of my claim.

      And yes, hot!


  2. That’s right, you have no *actual* proof of my ongoing existence. I could simply be a carefully crafted bot script. Or a surprisingly articulate zombie.

    For real proof, that would require a reunion. And a willingness to expose my flesh to you again.

    And whilst the smile on my face is one of pure mischief, rest assured that a plan once made would not be reneged with paltry excuses of having other plans over the summer.

    1. Or a figment of my fevered imagination resurrected by my subconscious to deal with the sublimated guilt over my deviant desires…!!

      “For real proof, that would require a reunion. And a willingness to expose my flesh to you again.”

      True. Proof of your existence is serious business: There must be photos… you know… just to be sure I’m not mistaken.

      “rest assured that a plan once made would not be reneged with paltry excuses of having other plans over the summer.”

      I am so assured, thank you. And just as well. I mean if it happened a third time, I’d be likely to get violent.


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