My sent emails XL: On younger men

I guessed his age at late 20s: He’d just turned 30. He made a joke about his immaturity giving it away. Which was amusing, but entirely untrue. He’s an articulate, smart, engaging man who has only been in my inbox for a very short while, but already I enjoy him a lot.

It’s interesting, the age thing. I’ve written various pieces about it before, but my guessing relatively accurately how old he was led me to think a little more about how I knew.

I explained it like this:

…(generalisation warning…) some younger men have a quality about them that Continue Reading

Loves: 5
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On hate mail

I’m lucky. I don’t get a lot of hate mail despite my prolific presence on the internet.

But I do get some. From strangers with whom I have never interacted as far as I know.

The last couple:

“You sound high maintenance and up yourself” – 58M

“Old disgusting bitch” – 31M

These are mild, I know many people get much worse. I recorded this one that was so over the top that it made me laugh.

I don’t react with hurt or shock: mostly I’m just baffled by it. The ‘why’ is beyond my grasp. I just can’t imagine … Continue Reading

Loves: 6
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Boring admin-type note

I’m having a problem with my comments at the moment. If you submit a comment, it IS working, I AM getting it, but for some reason, new comments aren’t displaying. Until later, at some random time. When they DO display.

I’m trying to fix it, but I didn’t want anyone to get frustrated thinking that their comments were going into the void and then getting annoyed and submitting it again (and again and again and ARRRGGGHHH JUST FORGET IT!!).

They aren’t disappearing.

They are just hiding temporarily…


ETA 8 Apr: This has been fixed. So yay!Continue Reading

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Domme Chronicles: Hard copy book winner

And the winner of my hard copy book is…

*dramatic drum roll*

*fumbles with the envelope*


** Chris Wallace! **

I’ll contact you to arrange delivery!

Thank you so much to everyone who took the time to comment *smile*.

Much fun!… Continue Reading

Loves: 2
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