Like like like!!

Since it’s all about me all the time, and I like pats and positive reinforcement, I have added a ‘Like’ star-button to my posts.

I know most people who read don’t comment, but I also know that some of you keep coming back (yay!), so I assume you are finding something here that you enjoy.

*wave…* Hello there lovely anonymous reader people!!

The new ‘Like’ button is a clickable star, there, under my posts, the star next to where it says “Likes:“… It looks like this:

Likes button
Likes button!

See it? Yes, there! It’s completely anonymous, so no-one will ever know that you clicked it, but I will get all warm and fuzzy.

I want to know what you like, so if you enjoy something I write, or particularly enjoyed something that I wrote previously (you can go back to old stuff if you feel so inclined), clickety-click the star. It will make me feel all loved and it won’t hurt a bit.

Go on, click it. CLICK IT! CLICKIT!!!!

Loves: 57
Please wait…

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  1. I’m not pressing any buttons you know what happened last time I pressed a button

    You know “the incident”


  2. I did it and I liked it and I like you, Ferns. You’re terrific.
    Now, how about a lick button?

    1. *laugh* Thank you for doing it and liking it and for the lovely compliment.

      I believe licking will work just fine… If licking the button on screen doesn’t work, try licking the mouse, then go for various computer related items.*

      * Theory still to be tested…


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