Shit Ferns says #3

Random out of context stuff that I have said recently.

It’s its own special ‘thing’, like a ‘thing’ you read about when you read about ‘things’ that aren’t like other ‘things’…

Un-coffeed, I am kind of mean

You totally win injury finger porn wars!!!

I think Hitty McHitty-on-er-ton was over in the other corner with the fit brunette in the tiny shorts…

I think you absolutely *must* say something about your ‘journey’, whine about scammers, fit in at least one ‘lol’ (preferably with no relevant context), one smiley face :) to make you seem like a jolly nice chap, and then some tired old sexual innuendo followed by a wink emoticon ;) because haw-haw-wink-wink etc.

If I have just offended you because you are religious, please pray for me.

Search term that landed someone on my blog: “my erection”. Sorry bud, I wasn’t talking about you, really, I wasn’t…

…thanks for your opinion on whatever it is that you are talking about.

I have no idea who you are, what you are talking about, or why you are messaging me.

They are pretty, but they are a ‘what on earth will I wear them with’ colour… I guess I can just go naked…

Loves: 1
Please wait…

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  1. “It’s its own special ‘thing’, like a ‘thing’ you read about when you read about ‘things’ that aren’t like other ‘things’… “ I SO totally get where you’re coming from here!… I think.

    “Un-coffeed, I am kind of mean” I’m the same way without beer and those little white pills (whatever they are)

    “If I have just offended you because you are religious, please pray for me.” You probably don’t need them to pray for you. You just need more coffee.

  2. I was going to ask if you had Ms. Hitty McHittierson’s contact info, or if you could put in a good word for me, until I realized I misread you and that Hitty McHitty-on-er-ton was probably a chap.

    and then I didn’t have any other clever things to say so I wrote this.

    1. He was indeed a chap, though if you wanted to call him Ms. Hitty McHitty-on-er-ton, I suspect he could have been convinced of its rightness.

      After the appropriate flexing and muscley showing off, natch.


  3. My most recent outburst was “Never trying anal sex is like only ever cooking with the microwave”

    Oh the deviance!

    1. I agree with this one completely, one of My guilty pleasures is getting as well as I give on that one… yummy…just Bitchslap Me if this is way TMI! lol

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