For the malesub NaNo-ers

By Oglaf.

See how helpful I am?

Loves: 5
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  1. Yeah, the Dommes sometimes need a muse like that as well. We just enjoy it less. I have been working on a novel for a couple of months now. I just can't see getting it all done in one month. DO you have to prove you wrote it all in one month?

  2. Michelle: “Yeah, the Dommes sometimes need a muse like that as well. We just enjoy it less.”

    *laugh* True! I have a very complex internal set of motivational triggers (which I hate!), but hitting the wrong ones has me reverting into a 3yo child who just stomps and goes “NO!”

    “I have been working on a novel for a couple of months now. I just can't see getting it all done in one month.”

    I know what you mean, and I doubt anyone ever 'gets a novel done' for realz. The objective is really 'forced writing of volume' to get over that thing that writers have of stalling, procrastinating, self editing, overthinking, angsting etc over every single fucking sentence. For someone like you already well into it, NaNo might be a chance to just blitz through chapters that you haven't tackled yet (then spend time afterwards uber revising and editing and rejecting parts). “Water for Elephants” is the best known novel that came out of NaNo.

    “DO you have to prove you wrote it all in one month?”

    No. I mean, there's no way they can tell. You don't win a prize or anything, so there is no point in cheating because 'you are only cheating yourself' *parental-type finger wagging*. This is the first time I have done it, so I don't even know if they have a way of checking that you haven't just repeated big chunks of text over and over when you submit your piece for the word count.

    Good luck with your novel!!


  3. Tom Allen: “A novel? Hell, I've got a couple of short-freakin' stories that have been “in draft” for 2 years.”

    Me too! I have 250 pages odd of random scribbling that never goes anywhere.


  4. Peroxide: “Short stories? shit man, it'll probably take me a week and a half to finish this com-“

    *laugh* My comments here are getting suspiciously longer. I think I am unconsciously stalling…


  5. Peroxide: “You might like to know that there is a sequel to this strip.”

    *laugh* Thank you for finding these.

    “Use it! Use it in your work you whiny fuck!”

    Oh god! *laugh*

    My muse has had me sitting here for 2 hours, having written about 600 words. Mind you, I have also oiled the breadboard, done the washing, moisturised my feet, done the washing up, had a chat on IM, sent a few emails… I am waiting for crippling self doubt to arrive. It will be a relief.


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