Real Dommes don’t…

I am recycling my own words for this post. I do that you know, because I am lazy (if you had read my ‘About Me‘ secret confessions, you would know this already…).


Stabbity wrote a great post here about how ‘real Dommes don’t have sex’, which prompted me to comment thusly:

You kind of touched on this, but didn’t QUITE hit it in the heart. Some Dommes fear losing control when they come, because, you know, Dommes must always be in complete control, cold, steely eyed, blah blah etc.

So, what that thought boils down to is this:

“I am going to deny myself pleasure because I am scared.”

This definition of dominance makes me laugh and laugh.

Then I have a little cry, because, oh god, so sad!

Then I laugh again because, hey, it’s funny!

Then I stop it in case people think I am crazy.

Loves: 2
Please wait…

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  1. I'm pretty sure that I've ranted about this a few times all over the internet, but yeah… come to find out I'm not dominant… I was a cock sucking submissive woman who just so happens to have a man who does anything she wants. I really can't stand titles!

    *joins you in crazy laughs with gigglesnorts thrown in

  2. Orgasm being an involuntary response does represent a brief loss of control, but I notice that not a lot of maledoms seem to get all hung up on that.
    Wouldn't it be entertaining to watch some maledom porn, where he insisted that the lowly femsub was unworthy of his cock, and steadfastly refused to get off cause he was the one in charge?

  3. Wouldn't it be entertaining to watch some maledom porn, where he insisted that the lowly femsub was unworthy of his cock, and steadfastly refused to get off cause he was the one in charge?


    Sometimes you can get a point across by portraying the opposite. This is a great example.

  4. Sweets: “… come to find out I'm not dominant… I was a cock sucking submissive woman who just so happens to have a man who does anything she wants”

    Brilliant!! I'm not dominant either, I'm just a lazy selfish bitch… oh wait… never mind.

    “*joins you in crazy laughs with gigglesnorts thrown in”

    *laugh* The only reason I like Sandra Bullock is because of her gigglesnorting in Miss Congeniality (I sooo tried to find a clip of it, it makes me laugh every time… how can there not be any?!!). Anyway, is that you, Sandra? I won't tell!


  5. Peroxide: “Wouldn't it be entertaining to watch some maledom porn, where he insisted that the lowly femsub was unworthy of his cock, and steadfastly refused to get off cause he was the one in charge?”

    Ha! Yes, yes it would… add some sneering and his laughing heartily at how she is a pathetic stupid worthless piece of dirt and it's a winner!



  6. ok, now that I've had my naughty laugh:

    I think you Mistresses have this right. When one starts bringing concepts of power and control into one's own orgasm one has a problem and deserves to be made jest of.

    Clarence, thoughtful.

  7. Ferns: “Anyway, is that you, Sandra?”

    Actually my first name is Sandra… so for you to ask me something directly with my name had me second guessing the security of my computer! I've been hacked! But no, I am not Sandra Bullock. gigglesnort is something I use to get caught doing that embarrassed me. Well I found the power in it and now let it fly! haha… hell, if it's funny, I'm gonna laugh at it. I CAN control my orgasms easier than my snorts! So see, it's really all on topic! Tada!

    And yes… sign me up for the versions with lots of pleasure. Personally the cranky old bitches in porn seem like they could use more! I mean, maybe that's why they seem to be in such a bad mood… just an observation!

  8. Clarence the deluded: “Gor, Volume 30: Ferns, Slave Girl of Gor”

    Ahh hmmm *nods placatingly in case the crazy boy gets violent*

    “When one starts bringing concepts of power and control into one's own orgasm one has a problem and deserves to be made jest of.”

    Yes, self denial can actually be totally hot, but ongoing denial of pleasure due to some set of weird rules about 'keeping control' is just… odd.


  9. Sweets: “Actually my first name is Sandra…”

    I know… *nods knowingly and ominously*

    “I CAN control my orgasms easier than my snorts! So see, it's really all on topic! Tada!”

    Brava!! *applauds*


  10. Coug: “good fucking God! what an idiot. thats it”

    *laugh* Concise, as always… and of course, I know you are not talking about any of *us*, but them *points out at the idiots*.


  11. Lady Ferns of Flowers:

    The humor in the Gor thing was me thinking what if they revoked your Domme card because of the silliness about how “real Dommes” don't orgasm? My bratty brilliance took it the next and most logical step – obviously if you are not a Domme, you must be a sub. And QUITE A SUB, going by your orgasms! I'm sure, like any woman in the whole world even those of the Dommely or feminist persuasions, you'd be honored to have a Gor book devoted to you.

    Clarence The Brat

  12. Well darn, my cute little picture doesn’t post here like it did before. *sad face*. Vanity aside…

    It a shame to know I’ve been doing it wrong! And I just got my Femdom license. I’m out to purchase a chastity belt for myself this instant. I hope they make them in green. I’m quite fond of green.

    Lady D

    1. “Well darn, my cute little picture doesn’t post here like it did before. *sad face*.”

      I know, I miss your cute little picture too! Mine didn’t show either… I had to create a ‘gravatar’ ( to get my xray boot to appear here.

      “It a shame to know I’ve been doing it wrong! And I just got my Femdom license.”

      *sigh* I know what you mean! So hard to keep up with all the rulz!


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