Q&A: Labia fascism

I am 24 I still struggle with the fact that I have one labia larger then the other (in a big way) and I really do not know how to over come this.


Grrrrr… I hate hate HATE that now our labia may not be ‘good enough’, words cannot express how much I hate it.

We see relatively few depictions of different shapes of women’s vaginas, they are not on display like cocks in bathrooms and dressing rooms, porn tends to have one type and one type only and in fact the soft porn laws here in Australia dictate that showing protruding labia is ‘obscene’ whereas a ‘slit’ is not, so that’s what is out there, what we see, what we are shown as ‘sexy/pretty/whatever’…FFS!! It makes me so mad I could spit!!

So, I LOVE this art project: Great Wall of Vagina.

@OP: Please rest assured that your labia is sexy and beautiful and anyone who gets close enough to see it will love it!

~still spitting~

Edited to add this site: The love of large labia (so disappointed: This Tumblr no longer exists)

Edited to add: See the link to an Australian program that discusses the relationship between porn, censorship and labiaplasty (surgery to reduce the size of labia):

Loves: 2
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  1. “and in fact the soft porn laws here in Australia dictate that showing protruding labia is 'obscene' whereas a 'slit' is not”

    How absolutely astonishing! That's almost as silly as the Japanese rule which, apparently, makes any porno at all perfectly fine (the most extreme of scat,torture, etc, etc) , so long as cocks and vaginas are pixellated.

    Sir Puppington Lothian.

  2. Wow, just for the sake of equality I wish there was a country with a similar law based on male genitalia; tight scrotum porn and loose scrotum porn (that isn't exactly the equiv, but close enough).
    OK, actually, I would prefer we just ditch the whole nonsense altogether.

  3. I completely agree: This strange idea that only 'slitty' pussies are beautiful is such a scary nonsense.
    I know that also my lady didn't like her pussy very much in the past, and I know that the shape of her labia played quite a big role in it.
    But all I can say is that her's is the most beautiful pussy I know. I fell in love with it the moment I got a first close look at it.
    It's a scary thought that women with perfectly normal pussies earnestly consider to get them cut back just because they think her lovers could find them unattractive …


  4. So Ms Ferns, it's not enough to apply stinging devices and administer severe whippings to men, you also insist upon using scientific terms for womens' things in our presence. Is there no end to this sadism?

  5. Étienne: “I think people have to please themselves first with their bodies, Miss.”

    *suspicious look* Are you talking about masturbation AGAIN?!


  6. puppy: “That's almost as silly as the Japanese rule which, apparently, makes any porno at all perfectly fine (the most extreme of scat,torture, etc, etc) , so long as cocks and vaginas are pixellated.”

    It is silly, yes. At least that kind of censorship doesn't fuck with body image (unless, you know, someone thinks that their genitals should be all blurry and mosaiced…!).


  7. DD: “Wow, just for the sake of equality I wish there was a country with a similar law based on male genitalia; tight scrotum porn and loose scrotum porn (that isn't exactly the equiv, but close enough).”

    Ha! Yes… though now that I am thinking along the lines of 'what we see'… how much porn is there with uncircumcised males? It is out there, of course, if you search for it (same as 'women with big labia' images are out there), but perhaps that is close to equivalence.

    Do uncut men feel 'odd' or 'other than' because most cocks we see in film are cut? You rarely hear of men getting an adult circumcision for cosmetic reasons while the request for labiaplasty is apparently soaring .


  8. rené: “It's a scary thought that women with perfectly normal pussies earnestly consider to get them cut back just because they think her lovers could find them unattractive …”

    It *is* scary, and sad, and angry making!

    And I saw a young girl argue in the same thread that it has nothing to do with others, *she* just doesn't like the asymmetry. I am not going to argue with how she feels, of course, but those negative feelings don't develop in isolation.


  9. Anonymous: “Is there no end to this sadism?”

    Apparently not… I also use va-jay-jay at times. More scientific terminology, I wouldn't expect a layperson to understand!


  10. I'm inclined to point out that popular media isn't much kinder to the penis. I don't think I've ever seen any (professional) porn with a man who wasn't well above average, and “ooh, it's so big” is the go to phrase in popular fiction to indicate that a man is a good lover.

    I'd have to assume that any guy doesn't have a dick that is two feet long and shoots lightning on command is probably at least a little subconscious about it. (but I wouldn't know without asking one.)

  11. Peroxide: “I'm inclined to point out that popular media isn't much kinder to the penis.”

    That's so true! I have always wondered:
    a) why men do not seem at all intimidated by that and consume big cock porn with gay abandon (gay in the olde worlde sense, though both work!);
    b) why porn made by men for men perpetuates this 'big cock' thing and;
    c) why men think it's hotter to see men with big cocks having sex

    I mean, if the above things are not true, then who is 'big cock' porn being done FOR given the audience is primarily male?


    “I'd have to assume that any guy doesn't have a dick that is two feet long and shoots lightning on command is probably at least a little subconscious about it. (but I wouldn't know without asking one.)”

    I'd ask one too if I could find one.


  12. F,

    “I also use va-jay-jay at times.”

    I thought you didn't do that upper/lower case speech thing. At any rate, outing your lovers is a serious breach of protocol. I think you owe Jay an apology. :-)

    As to the subject matter, I've never understood the slit image. I tend to think more lips yield more places to kiss and lick. Symmetric versus asymmetric, long versus short are all equally good, especially when you utterly adore the person you're “kissing” and making love to.


  13. Elan: “I think you owe Jay an apology.”

    Quite right… I sincerely apologise to my vajayjay, who is my treasure and who I adore.


  14. And: I think the various forms of genitalia should be discussed in sex ed. In my very first relationship I was very self-conscious too. Later, I realized that nobody cares what shape or colour or smell or hairstyle you have down there, as long as its clean and healthy.

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