Survey: Results part IV

More comments from the survey…

Why do you read my blog?

Straight male submissive, 18-35

well, the subject matter is interesting of course, but mostly i am impressed with your honesty and writing ability. there is something so great about writing that comes from passion, it has a beauty to it that can’t be faked. so, i read it as a submissive and i read it as a lover of good prose.

*smile* Thank you… the ‘writing from passion’ is both a blessing and a curse. I can’t write if I don’t feel it, and that severely limits what I can actually write about, but I love love love it when I can get what is in my head onto the page and it feels right.

Evolving female dominant, 18-35

This isn’t another reason—I want to take advantage of this box to thank you for your beautiful, hot writing. I’m female, in my 20s, and dominant-oriented. When I think about or do the things I like, I vaciliate between feeling excited and empowered and feeling ashamed or embarassed. It doesn’t help that there is a poverty of dominant female role models in my city, and the ones I do meet (never any near my age) are extremely full of themselves, ooze with self-confidence, and wax on with an “of course men fall at my feet! Why wouldn’t they?” logic that makes me gag. Thank you for creating a blog that is a charming, sexy antidote to all this! I was beginning to worry dominant women were unicorns after all.

Oh oh oh!!! No, thank YOU! This is such lovely feedback that it makes me want to do a happy dance *wiggles butt and pretends it counts as dancing* We (you and I!) are sooo not unicorns, we are just us, and your vacillations are common and normal and it is ok to feel all that. Going through that is what makes us able to marry the harsh and the sweet when we get our shit together. I do hope that you are having fabulous experiences out there in the world.

Heteroflexible male submissive, 36-45

Good sense of humour. Apparent good balance between play normal life. It’s fun and funny to read.

I *am* funny, and not just funny-strange either!

Straight female dominant, 18-35

You are quite an evocative writer and I love the imagery in your posts. You also have a force of personality behind your words, which comes through in your writing style. I like reading blogposts with personality. :) I don’t always agree with you, but your blog is a lot of fun.

Evocative is such a lovely description, thank you! You don’t always agree with me? But but… how is that possible when I am always right?! I *am* always right, truly… it might just take a little time for you to realise that… that’s ok, I can wait…

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  1. “We (you and I!) are sooo not unicorns, we are just us, and your vacillations are common and normal and it is ok to feel all that. Going through that is what makes us able to marry the harsh and the sweet when we get our shit together.”

    Though I'm not “evolving female dominant” I am all of those qualities…..and the above quote is also the reason why I read your blog, but I couldn't put it in such elegant words. It is nice to know I'm not the only one out there who feels the emotional turmoil that “evolving female dominant” described. Thank you!

  2. AngelSam: “It is nice to know I'm not the only one out there who feels the emotional turmoil that “evolving female dominant” described.”

    I am so glad! I feel the same when I hear from women who go 'me too!' at things that I write… It is a little bit of happiness that I am not alone in feeling *this* way about things, and it's *especially* valuable to find the 'me too' when much of the information out in the world doesn't support you so well.


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