Male Submission Art – November 9

Regular readers may have seen this photo of my boy already.

However he is now on show at Male Submission Art (ETA: Unfortunately this site is no more :(), so I wanted to give you a little encouragement to go over there if you aren’t familiar with the site.

Male Submission Art aims to focus on “art and visual erotica that depicts masculine submission”, and it does so very well, with many many beautiful images of submissive men that are far superior to those we more commonly see in stereotypical scenarios.

As for my boy, well… pretty pretty… *swoon*

Loves: 1
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  1. Bellaforte: Thank you, the photo turned out much better than I expected. I think, in the end, I was in love with the image more than the ropework.


  2. Male Submission Art aims to focus on “art and visual erotica that depicts masculine submission”, and it does so very well, with many many beautiful images of submissive men that are far superior to those we more commonly see in stereotypical scenarios.

    Thanks for this. Obviously, wouldn't exist without the great suggestions and contributions from folks like you, so thank you again!

  3. The picture You posted is one of the most beautiful ones Fern =) Thank You for sharing this sight.

    OMG the beautiful boys……. I share this link often. It is so visually erotic and so lovely in it's display.


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