Sunday curiosity #2

I was happy to get some new questions in my last Sunday Curiosity… two is the minimum for a post, that’s what I figured using very scientific and risky mathematical equations and complex algorithms, besides which, it’s my blog, my rules etc.

So here goes with some cute Q&A…

Anonymous said…

What does your “snowflake” category mean? Some of the posts evoke memories of my ex for me, someone I still feel deeply connected to even though he’s hundreds of miles away, so I’m very curious.

Snowflake was the nickname I gave to my last submissive (unique, like a … Continue Reading

Loves: 1
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“You hit me…”

I am straddling his chest, he is writhing underneath me, his body in constant motion, seeking something more, reaching, searching, his movements limited by my weight on him, by the cuffs joining his hands above his head. He is not fighting me, but he can’t keep still, he makes small sounds into the room.

I reach down to position his head and I slap him, hard, across his cheek, the sting of it tight and harsh.

All of his movement stops in the aftermath of the strike. Suddenly he is still, like a switch has been flicked. He is shocked. … Continue Reading

Loves: 7
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Sunday curiosity

Thank you so much to everyone who responded to my Curiosity post. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your lovely comments and questions. Fun!

I have to say, just quietly, just between you and me, you folks are impressive… truly! I am not saying that as empty flattery, I mean, I am really flattering myself for attracting such smart, articulate and interesting readers (yay me!)… I toddled off to the blogs that some of you write (some of which are on my regular reading list already, I must say) and found really interesting writing out there – thank … Continue Reading

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As always

I am thinking, as always, about kissing you, about your mouth, how it shapes that ‘oh’ of anticipation when I bring my lips close to you, how you wait wait wait and try so hard not to reach for me, they are almost unbearable, those moments of denial.

I am torn, as always, by what I want, by wanting it all at once, by wanting to take it and have it and leave nothing behind.

I want the gentle, tender, moist, licking kisses, those that make you moan softly, those that make you melt away, those that let me taste … Continue Reading

Loves: 3
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I wonder sometimes, when I am wanting to write, but just can’t get my head quite right, when I am somewhat uninspired to speak of beauty and passion, when I am nevertheless looking at the page and picking through what is going on with me for snippets worth telling, I wonder if you, dear readers, peer at me here and wonder who I am.

I wonder about you, I do…

I know you are there, I see stats, numbers slipping by, many many thousands of views, I know there are regulars (hello there, and thank you!), and some who … Continue Reading

Loves: 1
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We are watching television. He sits on the ground beside the couch, at my feet, a cushion I bought for ten cents at the school fete under his arse to keep him off the cold tiles. The ‘butt cushion’ I have dubbed it. I can feel his energy as he sits there quietly, it emanates from him in waves, invisible threads drawing me in. I feel the pull in my fingertips, in the pit of my stomach and I know if I reach out and touch him, he will lean into it and silently vibrate with pleasure, not asking for … Continue Reading

Loves: 3
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It is in the way you surrender, a quiet, unspoken, gentle offering of yourself, inevitable, unquestioning. It is in the way you bow your head and wait, even without experience, you know, like you have seen inside my head, you understand exactly how to elicit that aggressive response from me, to raise that hunger that you love. It is in the way you look sideways at me, find the courage to be cocky, checking, checking that you haven’t gone too far (‘too far? am I still ok? is this ok?’). It is in the way you care for me, call … Continue Reading

Loves: 1
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