Given my recent post on torture porn… I give you this:
Seriously, how totally awesome terribly disturbing is that?!! Brilliant!! Disgusting… tsk tsk!!… Continue Reading
Given my recent post on torture porn… I give you this:
Seriously, how totally awesome terribly disturbing is that?!! Brilliant!! Disgusting… tsk tsk!!… Continue Reading
I’ve not heard the term ‘torture porn’ before, but I have to admit to having a fondness for it… ‘torture porn’… kind of dirtyscaryhot. I watched some the other day. Antichrist is R rated and promises lots of sex and violence, but it was a terrible, tedious, arty movie (god, dull and plodding and dull (yes, I know I already said that, but it bears repeating)), but in it there was violence worthy of madness.
She knocks him unconscious, smashes his crotch with a huge lump of wood, masturbates him until he comes blood, then uses a huge hand drill … Continue Reading
The pure service submissive is a unicorn – rare and perhaps only found in fairy stories. A service submissive is one who gets satisfaction from serving, not performing ‘personal service’ (i.e. sexual acts), not engaging in kinky latex-maid-outfit dusting, not providing service as prepayment for play rewards. Pure service submissives get satisfaction from serving.
I found this description from a submissive who has engaged in this sort of service and I think it explains the frame of mind very well:
… Continue ReadingWhat appealed in it for me at the time was the mindset of doing very well at my tasks, from
I am somehow obsessed with advice for newbies at the moment… I am not sure why… perhaps because I communicate with quite a few of them and I want them to have good experiences, to be successful, to find their bliss (yes, I know, that was too corny to be believed! Deal with it!).
Things I recommend to newbies are not necessarily things that I do myself. Yes, I am a hypocrite…
(I haven’t been to a munch in over 15 years, I am not part of any community, I don’t know … Continue Reading
I have described myself as difficult and demanding, I don’t let things go, I will not accept ‘less than’, but I am only that way about things that I care about and there are a gazillion things that I really don’t care about. At all.
I am not a control freak in my daily life (seriously, I am not!), I don’t have ‘domly’ expectations of the people I know, I don’t have impossibly high standards, I have no desire to control my general environment or the people in it, I am not obsessive about domestics, I don’t have a … Continue Reading
And… I’m back! Missed me dincha? It’s okay, you can admit it, I won’t tell!
I want to say a huge thank you to everyone who has been so sweet to me, both here in comments and in private emails. Your empathy and support has been really wonderful. Never underestimate the kindness of strangers.
I’m going okay here, I miss my boy* madly, but I am okay. We have exchanged a couple of sweet tentative emails, but we are both licking our wounds, and contact at the moment is a little raw. It is hard for me to leave him … Continue Reading
Nobody ever talks about ‘force’ as a kink.
We frequently hear about ‘forced’ activities, but the focus is always on the activity rather than the force.
Now, I know the term ‘force’ raises some hackles, so how about we say force = coercion? It doesn’t have to be physical, it can be mental or emotional or simply ‘force of will’.
So let me set a scene. I *make* my boy do something that he genuinely doesn’t like (not a hard limit)… No gun to his head – I may shove him about, use my serious ‘don’t fuck with me’ voice, … Continue Reading