24/7 D/s vs FLR: What’s the difference?

There were some conversations on Twitter today about the difference between a 24/7 D/s dynamic and a Female Led Relationship (FLR).

An expanded version of my tweet-thoughts on this below.

The upshot: To me they’re the same thing.

My goal is a 24/7 D/s dynamic.

In my 24/7 D/s dynamic (when I have one), I have the authority in our relationship.

I lead, he follows.

There may be carve-outs that we agree on: For example, I may not have authority over his work or family, we decide what works for us. And that may change over time.

But the bottom … Continue Reading

Loves: 42
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Happy femdom story: Melissa Cohen

This is a long and wonderful happy femdom story about Melissa and her boy, Joseph. They have been together nearly 10 years now, and their story is absolutely fascinating and utterly unique. Not least because Joseph was a Catholic priest when they met…

Enjoy :).


Author: Melissa Cohen

Our Origin Story

I am a newbie looking to be properly initiated into submission.

I am smart and sensitive but very shy. I have been submissive all of my life and have gotten more and more into the scene, kind of exploring things on my own, but now I need a … Continue Reading

Loves: 12
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Happy femdom story: D&S Part 2, S’ side

I shared D’s side of D&S’ happy femdom story already.

This is Part 2: Her side.

S talks about how she felt when her husband, D, told her about his desires, and what happened next.

Huge thanks to both D and S for so generously sharing their story.

Author: S

I remember the day over five years ago that D told me about his long-suppressed interest in submission, kink and D/s. We had been married twenty-four years, and he told me we needed to talk. My mind was racing. Somehow, I suspected the worst, a confessed affair or a … Continue Reading

Loves: 9
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Happy femdom story: D&S Part 1, D’s side

This happy femdom story starts with a scenario that may sound familiar to some of you: A good long term marriage where the husband has some submissive desires. He finally gathers the courage to tell his wife, and hopes for the best. This is about how that unfolds and what happened next.

This story is in two parts, and I’m absolutely delighted to be able to share both.
Part 1 is his side (he’s D), this is his story.
Part 2 is her side (she’s S), her story is coming soon.


Author: D

My wife S and I have … Continue Reading

Loves: 6
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Happy femdom story: DoubleGemini

This happy femdom story is one that may seem rather familiar because it sounds very much like a typical vanilla love story, except that she’s in charge, and there’s a healthy dose of kink, and here we are :).

Enjoy this loveliness.


Author: DoubleGemini

The long road to happiness

My femdom journey started all wrong but, I suspect, from a likely common origin. See I knew from my very early years I was dominant, that I wanted a D/s relationship, and that I was into sadism. My disconnect came from thinking everyone was like me and that just wasn’t … Continue Reading

Loves: 6
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Happy femdom story: Becca & Adam

This is a story about a long term marriage that had gone slightly off track over the years, and how one submissive man went from seeking kink to looking a little deeper at what was happening in his relationship, and seeing if handing over some control could help with that.



Author: Adam

I met Becca while in college. She was walking through the student union in a pair of Calvin Klein jeans that accentuated her beautiful ass. It was seriously gorgeous and I knew I had to meet her. Through a mutual connection, we met at our next … Continue Reading

Loves: 6
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Happy femdom story: Carolyn

I’ve been lucky enough to have the fabulous Carolyn as my compatriot and co-moderator in the ‘Submissive Men and Women Who Love Them’ Fetlife group for many years, and during that time, I have had glimpses into the loveliness that is her relationship with her submissive. Carolyn and her submissive (her life partner, her long term love) have been married for over 20 years now.

This is her happy femdom story :).

Author: Carolyn

I was The Queen of Repression. I had a quite liberal upbringing and knew about S&M. But, for reasons I now know but which would … Continue Reading

Loves: 15
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