
Do you remember when we were strangers?

It seems impossible now. That there was a time when we didn’t know each other.

When I didn’t know that you smirk when you’re nervous, that you hum to yourself when you cook, that you will drop everything if I so much as touch you, that your skin holds the scent of freshly mown grass, that your mouth tastes of strawberries, that you get shy when you flirt, even now after so long.

It feels like I knew you before I knew you. Like coming home.

I know you feel it too, though … Continue Reading

Loves: 18
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I’ll slap you!

I hovered my breast near his lips.

Reaching up to kiss my bare skin, his mouth travelled across the silky-smooth, pushing the lace of my bra out of his way with his lips, his tongue finding my hardening nipple. He nuzzled and licked, sucking it into his mouth.

I felt his teeth nibbling, teasing, some pressure as he pulled it further into the soft wetness, oh, and more, teeth closing a little further, harder against tender flesh, the tingle of it going straight to my cunt, more force still, even harder, and…

“Owww!” I yelled.

Releasing my nipple immediately, his … Continue Reading

Loves: 26
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Shackles and showers

An early morning hike took her far past the hills surrounding the house, into the valley where the creek ran. She struggled to take off her heavy boots so she could soak in the cold mountain water, slipping her feet under the surface, stroking the mossy rocks with her toes, goose bumps rising on her skin from the chill of it.

Following the trail further north, she passed a mob of wallabies grazing by the path. They calmly watched her as she walked by, less startled than curious about her sudden appearance. Her instinct to click Skippy-like at them made … Continue Reading

Loves: 34
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He followed her home #amwriting

CopyrightSnippet from fiction WIP by Sharyn Ferns

Yesterday I woke up with an F/m fiction story almost fully formed in my mind.

This has never happened. NEVER.

I don’t write fiction, I just don’t get story ideas like that, and long form isn’t my strength. When I’ve tried to force it (and I have tried), the result feels contrived, flat. I’m reluctant to say ‘I’m not good at it’ for fear of jinxing what I’m writing now, but I have thought that for a long time (and I’ve absolutely said it out loud before).

But I wrote some 20 pages of it yesterday, madly putting down what … Continue Reading

Loves: 13
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“I can beat you”

I take him by surprise, from sweetness to sprung energy, I grab him by the throat and shove him backwards, fast, sudden. He almost loses his balance, his eyes widen, he thuds into the wall just as he starts to flail.

I wonder if he will fight me. I want to see it. I watch the flash of defiance, maybe even anger: The injustice, the patronising cuntery of it.

“You know I can beat you,” he whispers, even as I hold him by the throat against the wall.

I take a millisecond to parse the sentence. Beat or BEAT. Doesn’t … Continue Reading

Loves: 17
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Femdom novella: Your opinion wanted

I’ve really been wanting to write more, and one of my ideas is a semi-autobiographical little femdom novella.

Semi-autobiographical because I have no imagination.

Little because long form narratives really aren’t my strength.

Femdom because ‘duh’.

I have settled on fleshing out a relationship from my younger days.

As a newbie dominant, I dated a beautiful younger submissive man who was a steel artist. He used to create his art in a kind of foundry with huge machines that would heat and shape steel, and men with hammers would pound away at them in a fug of noise and sweat. … Continue Reading

Loves: 11
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NaBloWriMo[SubmissiveGuyComics is also doing a post for our NaBloWriMo project, though he’s hiding some of them on Twitter so if you aren’t following him, you should… ]


She felt feral when she was around him, reduced to some base animal that had to have him. She circled around him; wary, watching, distracted by others, curt nods soon sending them away. He knew she was there, of course he knew. But he never looked directly at her. Even hunters can be easily spooked.

Instead, he casually engaged with others, made chat, laughed appropriately at jokes, nodded with interest … Continue Reading

Loves: 14
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