Domme Chronicles: erotic tales of love, passion, & domination

Domme-Chronicles-cover-smMy book is now available on Amazon!! For real!

Look look!:

Domme Chronicles: erotic tales of love, passion, & domination

It’s a collection of hot femdom stories extracted from my writings here, lovingly edited, and bound up with a bunch of angst and fuckery. All 300+ pages worth!!

I’ve put up a book-pimping page if you want more information.

This calls for champagne!


There might even be a photo of me in it that you haven’t seen before. You can consider that my version of ‘free steak knives!’. Heh.

A huge ‘thank you’ to everyone who helped me … Continue Reading

Loves: 20
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Final book cover poll – results!

Results of my last (and final) poll for the cover art for my book. I asked you to choose from the following 7 covers (thank you so much to everyone who participated!).


And here are the results:

Book cover poll - final

At first glance, one might think: Oh look, 7 is the winner over 4 and 5 by a nose, and all the romantics who like that couple (there are a lot of you!!) will be all “YESSSS, WE KNEW IT!! *smug*“.

But noooo: I actually split the vote on the image I used for 1, 2 and 3 (apparently, I am not … Continue Reading

Loves: 4
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Book cover – final say

Images on Cover 4 and Cover 5 are product photos from the fabulous Etsy shop The Twisted Screw. Used with permission.


I sourced some different artwork because I wasn’t happy with the stock photos in the previous lot of covers. See, I mentioned ‘useless perfectionist dithering’ didn’t I?

So I’m asking for your opinion on which you like best AGAIN (I included the two top-rated covers from the previous poll, so if you still like those best, you can hit that vote button again and mutter “FFS, I already DID this!!”).

I know, I know, JUST GET … Continue Reading

Loves: 9
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Book cover – poll results

Thank you so much to everyone who voted and commented! I really appreciate the input (plus it’s super-fun to see what people think!).

The results were pretty close with 7 winning out over 5.


cover results small

With the comments and private emails I have received, it’s clear that the font used in 5-7 is preferred, and that images from 1 or 2 might be reusable on covers with that font. And many of you expressed the opinion that they were all cheesy *laugh*. I have really appreciated all the feedback.

I’ll confess that I’m still considering other options because I just … Continue Reading

Loves: 4
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Book cover – have your say!

I’m wanting to get my book out in the next few weeks (I know… exciting!! *squee*).

I’m prone to a kind of useless perfectionist dithering, which is not doing me any favours because I will forever be going ‘No not happy, I need to change *something else* now…’ ad infinitum.

To get over that thinking and help me shove this thing out the door, I’d love to get your input on the cover (a big thank you here to those who suggested I use my blog name for the title, and to sprinkles for the sub-title *smile*).… Continue Reading

Loves: 9
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Crowdsourcing my book title

I’m kind of stuck and could use some creative help.

Like every other blogger in the entire world who fancies themselves a writerly type (i.e. all of us!), I’m putting together a book.

It’s an erotica anthology comprised of true-life vignettes about female dominant/male submissive play: passion, violence, sweetness, affection, love.

If you’re familiar with the way I write, you will know exactly the sort of thing I mean (if not, here’s an example: Good morning).

I’m after ideas for a book title and subtitle that sound sexy-hot (it’s erotica after all!), that give an indication of the content, … Continue Reading

Loves: 6
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When your submissive says ‘no’

© Dec 2019 update: New guide available now: How To Handle Disobedience

A blog post by Die Starke Frau prompted me to write this response because I see in her writing a struggle that a lot of new Dommes have: What do you do when your submissive disobeys?

She said:

One thing that definitely throws me off balance is when the man is refusing to submit. When I develop an idea of what to do with him and how to fuck with his mind, and if then, out of the blue, the man does not obey.

Note: I am not talking about playful disobedience here. I am talking about a serious refusal.

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Loves: 32
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