Reader Q&A: Languages & vanilla relationships

I’ve been answering questions on my Ask Me page for AGES now, and that page is getting hellishly long. For real. Go look. I’ve been busy, yo!

I’ve not been creating individual posts out of them because I generally bang them out quickly with little real introspection (or editing!), so I had this idea that they weren’t somehow *worth* their own post. But some of the questions are really thoughtful, or quite common, and I suspect that you good folks might have something useful to add that I haven’t thought of, or an experience to share that might help.

So … Continue Reading

Loves: 6
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Shit Ferns says #10

There is a contingent on Twitter whose sole purpose seems to be to create 140 characters of sickly love-related tweetery that is so corny and cringeworthy that I can feel my internal organs die a little each time one crosses my timeline.

As sweetness between two individuals, I think a recipient might well adore it. But broadcast as ‘declarations of deep love’, they make me want to smack someone in the face.

“Like what?” you ask.
“I mean, how bad can it be?” you proclaim.


Fine. You asked for it. DON’T SAY YOU WEREN’T WARNED!!

(for the record, … Continue Reading

Loves: 8
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