Pay attention to meeeee!!

Dumb Domme wrote a really great personal post about sometimes wanting some extra attention from her submissive and struggling with how to get it (especially as he is somewhat long distance). I don’t want to paraphrase her thoughts about it. Go read it.

I responded in the comments with this:

I want attention, but MORE than that, I want him to be all over that shit. As soon as I have to *ask* for it, I have spoilt at least 50% of the goodness in it. He should be bouncing around me all puppy-like just aching to give me attention

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Happy femdom story: Najakcharmer

I have been a fan of Najakcharmer’s posts and writings for a long time, and her fabulous long term poly relationship with her two men has been a thread throughout. This is a story about a happy, healthy, wonderful poly relationship full of love and primal passion. It’s long, but totally worth it…

Author: Najakcharmer

“Eventually the whip arm gets weary, and you find yourself in the same room with an adult human being who has a mind and a personality and a voice. Should he not also be good company and compatible as well as a good submissive, this Continue Reading

Loves: 10
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Back to the grind

If you’ve been paying attention to my workouts (why haven’t you been paying attention to my workouts?!), you will have noticed with a sad shake of your head that I haven’t been to the gym over the Christmas/New Year holiday period. TWO AND A HALF WEEKS OF NO GYM, EATING EVERYTHING IN SIGHT, AND DRINKING LIKE A DESPERATE ALCOHOLIC!

I would have gone back this week (I *WOULD*!), except for the fact that I was haunting the hospital at my dad’s. Reasonable excuse right?!

I have just created a new workout routine for myself to kick things up. Why I … Continue Reading

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Good news!

I wanted to post a quick update on my father’s cancer, for those who have asked after him.

I’m delighted to be able to say that the operation he had on the 2nd was a success, with the tests showing that all of the cancerous tissue was removed. This is, of course, a huge, gigantic, teary relief for all of us. I am beyond thankful, not least because the time between diagnosis and a good outcome was blessedly short, so it wasn’t months of stress for all of us.

There is still some discussion to be had with the … Continue Reading

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