The beauty of submissive men

What do you get a Domme for her birthday?!

It’s a dilemma isn’t it?

OR IS IT?!!!

My birthday is coming up.

I’m going to ask you lovely submissive men for a present.

Seriously, I am.

I want us to create something together. Yes, you and me dear readers.

It’s no secret that I enjoy the pretty: I think submissive men are sexy as hell, and I think that hotness can be found in many places and forms, and I want to see it from you.

What I would like to do is to gather photos that will both objectify … Continue Reading

Loves: 34
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e[lust] #38

Welcome to e[lust] – The only place where the smartest and hottest sex bloggers are featured under one roof every month. Whether you’re looking for sex journalism, erotic writing, relationship advice or kinky discussions it’ll be here at e[lust]. Want to be included in e[lust] #39? Start with the newly updated rules, come back August 1st to submit something and subscribe to the RSS feed for updates!

~ Top 3 ~

Wrong On Every Level – “If you wouldn’t ask them to borrow $20 bucks, how the fuck is it ok for you to ask them to fuck you? … Continue Reading

Loves: 1
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Submissive man finds dominant woman! News at 11!

HugsTwo of my fabulous male submissive friends are exploring new relationships. Yay!!

Why am I posting about this?

Because it makes me happy, because they are wonderful, smart, interesting, sweet, amazing men, because both of them have been single for a while, and because it gives me hope.

Mostly, people are not single because they are undesirable hideous trolls living under bridges, compulsively twitching and muttering obscenities at passers-by.

Mostly, people are single because it’s *hard* to find someone who fits, someone who makes your heart sing, someone who makes you skip into each day looking forward to spending more … Continue Reading

Loves: 18
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I crave your mouth: Audio reading

This is another request from my ‘Dommes don’t speak, they rawwwr’ post by Peroxide, who doesn’t even really like poetry, but requested that I read Sonnet XI, by Pablo Neruda, which I have posted previously.

I love quite a few of Neruda’s poems; his passion and beautiful turn of phrase is compelling.


Sonnet XI, by Pablo Neruda

I crave your mouth, your voice, your hair.
Silent and starving, I prowl through the streets.
Bread does not nourish me, dawn disrupts me, all day
I hunt for the liquid measure of your steps.

I hunger for your … Continue Reading

Loves: 17
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Happy femdom stories – Jake

This story has a happy ending, but along the way it’s a difficult story that illustrates how hard it can be for young submissive men who feel disenfranchised, confused, and lost with their sexuality and relationships, and how challenging it can be to deal with that on top of whatever else they have going on in their lives.

Thank you for sharing your story, Jake, and I hope there is a lot more happiness to come for you.

Author: Jake

Part I

So, uh, to preface this, I figure an introduction is needed. I’m Jake. I’m 20, submissive-ish (I guess … Continue Reading

Loves: 10
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Admonishments said out loud: Audio

In this post, I fulfilled a couple of other reader requests from my ‘Dommes don’t speak, they raawwwrr‘ post who wanted to hear me telling them what to do, all stern-like.

This was surprisingly difficult.

With the first one, to make it interesting, I had to kind of set up the entire scenario. In real life, I’d be much more likely just to go, “Go and do the chores, boy” and expect him to get up off his arse and go do it.

With the second, I was given a script that doesn’t at all reflect how I … Continue Reading

Loves: 21
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Defensiveness and trust

There is a line between defensiveness and trust that oddly often feels ugly to me.

I don’t expect a stranger to trust me. That’s ludicrous. But I expect a potential partner to come to me with an open heart and willingness to speak to me without the expectation that I want to do him harm in some way.

I have spoken to some men who are constantly defensive about me ‘taking too much’ or ‘crossing their boundaries’ from the very beginning, suspiciously weighing every exchange, every request, every conversation and seemingly looking for some way that I am trying to … Continue Reading

Loves: 14
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