A morning


I am already awake when the radio comes on… it is early *checks the clock*… I yawn just writing that… it is early and awful… I am really not a morning person, I am cranky.

I roll over and smack it to turn it off… *groan*… lie there for a few moments, stalling…

My computer is right *there*… I turn it on, check emails from bed… usually at least one of them will make me smile.

I tumble out of bed, rub my eyes, I sleep nude, it is cool this early. I grab a sarong and … Continue Reading

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… and you found… me!

I get stats about what goes on here with my blog, of course, and I can see what people entered into search engines to find my blog.

These are my picks for ‘most disappointed searchers who ended up on my blog’:

1. “i want to be fuck until my cunt sore”

2. “domme grandma”

3. “hot pics domme fuck two men latex pics”

4. “january invite christmas party”

5. “touched by a unicorn dream definition”

I’m sorry about that, folks, especially you, number 5, sweet unicorn-dreaming person…

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My sent emails V

Hello there BoyWhoSpeaksOfJelly,

I am inordinately impressed by your articulate and entertaining email – what an absolute delight to read. I hope others you have contacted tell you that also.

As my profile says, I’m idly traversing the internet, not actively seeking a submissive, so don’t want you to waste your efforts if you are looking for more.

Nevertheless, I’ve always had a soft spot for jelly with banana in the middle and am always happy to talk to interesting people.

Likewise, I hope you are having a lovely weekend.


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Wanted! Talented Web designer+

My blog has grown up and is moving out of home… Soon it will get a job, find a relationship and never have time to visit.

I now have my own domain (yes yes, mine mine mine… power hungry… taking over the world… bald cat… bwuhahahhaha…etc!).

What that means, though, is that I will no longer have this lovely bloggery blog template and design and setup that makes it pretty and makes actual blogging really easy. It means I need a Web designer who knows what they are doing to put together the new Web site with me.

I can … Continue Reading

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Face touch

I reach out to your face, you think I am going to pet your cheek, I do that, pet your cheek, or cup your jaw gently or just touch your face, just to touch. I don’t pet you though, this time… I cover your face with my hand, it is an odd kind of claiming, you are awkward under it, waiting for… something.

The heel of my hand against your chin, my thumb and pinkie splayed over your cheeks, the other fingertips touching your forehead, your eyes. I can feel your breathing, warm against the palm of my hand, my … Continue Reading

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Chocolate fountain

THIS is what twitter is for… silly, random, irrelevant snippets like this…

I am overseas, staying in a very plush hotel. At breakfast I dipped tiny little donut things into an orange-chocolate fondue fountain!!

*happy sigh*

I am going to have to sign up for twitter… moment by moment idiocy may be my true calling…

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Fucking bitch

I knock and wait.

You open the door, your expression at first one of gentle questioning… when you see me your eyes widen, you gasp, like a cartoon character, comical and odd. You almost shake your head to try to clear it. I can see your mind ticking over, a million questions immobilising you…

I smile, savouring your confusion, it is incredibly hot, that vulnerable look, I see you unconsciously opening up, it is immediate and involuntary, as if your skin peels away from your body and falls at your feet, leaving you raw. I see your surrender and it … Continue Reading

Loves: 5
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